Hello Everyone,
I want to share and ask questions about Stella's behavior to see if other corgis are similar and also, if I should be concerned. Basically I'm worried about Stella eating parts of the toys that she chews. I know it's normal for her to chew and to gut stuffed toys, but she EATS the stuffing and the fabric of ones that she hasn't gutted or that don't have stuffing. And it's all kinds of fabric on all kinds of stuffed toys. For example, she not only eats the inside stuffing (the cottony stuff), she eats the outside fabric as well. She has a couple of squirrel-like toys with furry tails and she pulls out the fur and eats it. I also gave her a Kong Wubba (the kong wrapped in fabric with the knot and tail at the end to swing around), and she made a hole in the fabric and pulls out strings of it to eat. Every time I try to get something that I think is durable and she won't eat, she finds a way!
Ok, so my questions: Do others' corgis do this? Is this a corgi thing? Other dogs that I've had chewed things and pulled them apart, but never ATE as much of the toys as Stella does. I mean, it's like she's a goat!
Another question: Should I be concerned? I try to limit her intake and throw the toys away, but she still manages to ingest some (I see the evidence later...) Does her behavior mean anything?
Thanks for any comments!