We are first time corgi owners and am new at the "puppy raising process." Stella, our 10 week old Pembroke, is the sweetest puppy ever - except when she gets really nippy and mouthy. We are aware that this is probably "normal puppy" behavior - but her teeth are awfully sharp! I do my best to teach her bite inhibition by letting her mouth my hand and when she does - I shout "NO" and she lets up on pressure. Sometimes when she does not stop and will start to give a growl - we will shout "NO" and then ignore her or give her a time out in her pen. She usually calms down (we praise and let her out when she does), but goes right back to it.

Is this typical puppy play?

Do you think tapping the nose or using a spray bottle for when she gets really nippy an effective method?

It is also funny and cute - when we shout "NO" she will usually back off, give a shy snap at the air (she always tries to get the last word :)) - then submit.

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My puppy Quin is the same age so I can sympathize, I have been trying... To get her attention and then as soon as she lets go i praise her and tell her she is a good girl. Or give a little yip and then pull my hand away. On youtube there is a very good trainer she is under the name kiko pup look her up she is amazing.
Thanks, I will look her up. The yipping/yelping doesn't do anything with Stella, she just looks at me funny and resumes. LOL
Yes, this is typical puppy play! I wouldn't nose-tap or use a spary bottle. What you are doing sounds good, but I would use just a firm "no" or "ah-ah" instead of shouting.

Some puppies learn in a day or two to stop nipping, but others can take a few weeks. Just be consistent, give her something appropriate to put in her mouth while you are playing with her, and if she escalates when you ask her to stop, fold your arms across your chest and turn your back or step out of the room over a baby gate. Time-out is ok to let her calm down, but isolation/ignoring as a disciplinary measure should only be for a minute or so, tops.

Good luck!
Beth, when we use the firm "NO" -she just ignores us like it wasn't even heard and continues to nip (that's why we end up shouting at times :)). It's difficult because when we turn around to walk away to ignore her, sometimes she will then follow to nip at our pants and heels as well.

In this case, would you still suggest us to give her a firm "NO" - then pick her up and put her in time out for a minute or two?

Yes, I would move right from the firm "no" to either putting her away or stepping over the baby gate (and detaching her from your pants leg! LOL--- Jack did that too).

Having an escalation is how she learns what "no" means; otherwise she may just learn to ignore it. Perhaps try "ah-ah" instead as many dogs instinctively seem to connect the sound with the meaning, better than they do with "no." No is a nice round sound and ah-ah is sharper; I think that's why.
Thanks for the suggestion! I will try this. :)
Putting something in her mouth she is allowed to chew on is important. We always said NO, gave a very light tap on the nose and then gave them something they are allowed to chew on in place of your hand/clothing/etc. it worked well for us for forever... Hope you have fun training your puppy good manners. Hugs from me and Kota
Beth has some good points and especially if you do a time out as Beth says keep it very short because the pup or any dog is not going to remember 10 minutes from the time out what they even did wrong...that kind of logic is not there BUT the 1 minute...every time I bite too hard I get an "ouch" she turns ignores me and maybe have to quit and go in my kennel...will make her learn. I have never kenneled mine as ignoring and turning away is all it took. A lower gruff voice at regular volumne is what has worked for me. The yell could be misinterpreted as "yippy...let's go play"
When Finn went through this stage and would bite too hard we would "OW!" in high voice to resemble a dog yelp. This is what other dogs would do if he played too rough so by doing this you are telling the puppy that's too much. After the "OW!", stop playing and put one of their chew toys in their mouth. This usually worked with Finn though there were times when he was especially bratty and would not give up. Even if you walked away he was after you. One time I went and sat on the couch and he came running and launched himself at me grabbing my sweatshirt sleeve and tearing it. I was so mad. he got a time out that time because nothing was calming him down and I was getting more and more angry which wasn't helping the situation. I left him in his play pen for a couple minutes than walked over and let him out then walked away, never looking at him or talking to him because I wanted him to stay in that calm state. Isn't raising a puppy fun? I'm glad he outgrew the constant biting but he is still a brat.
Alice - I am glad he finally outgrew the constant biting stage! It is definitely difficult at times to keep your cool and remain patient. Thanks for your suggestions
Just remember to be dramatic in your no and ignoring. Act like you have been extraordinarily offended by her actions. If she persists than a time out in another room for a few minutes would be in order. Try not to laugh! Sparty used to always get the last word by woofing at us but he did quit the biting.
Lol, it is quite funny when they try to get the last word - it is like they are little children.


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