I am not docking tails BUT I have an appointment made for Sat. am to clip my pups dew claws! I really hate to but they stick out far and look like they could easily get caught! My Bella has her front but not her back so I might go with that option! I believe this is a safety matter or I wouldn't do it at all!

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nah, one time our friend's yorkie dew claw got caught with our papasan chair, she limped for 2 days :(
Getting dew claws removed is a must. x: Get them removed now by a doctor or get them removed later by a chair or a blanket. I'm so glad your pups are keeping their tails! I love pem tails. x3
I have heard of dogs constantly injuring their dew claws so I think it would be a good preventative measure. Docking tails isn't preventing anything so I wouldn't compare the two. It's kind of like why people get their wisdom teeth removed.
Dew claws can tear and bleed, which is much more traumatic than having them removed! And for domestic dogs the dew claws have no benefit if they are left on.

As you know I'm not a fan of docking or especially ear cropping, but if I were to ever breed I would remove dew claws in a heartbeat.
Yes, the pups have nasty looking back dew claws...that is why they're going in! Bella has the front ones but they just grow long and then need clipping. Thanks Kerry I think we'll just do them all!

I feel much better knowing all of your opinions!
Mine are keeping theirs (fronts; none of them have rear ones). I would absolutely remove rear dewclaws because they don't have any articulation (bone) and do get injured easily. The front ones I am not comfortable removing because they're real digits, with bone, muscle, tendon, and ligament. The dog uses them - when they're running they are used often - and I am also concerned that when we remove them and cut into the carpal ligament system we may be setting the dogs up for issues later. Also - I just plain don't like cutting perfectly normal things off.

The new owners will have to be taught to keep the nails short and blunt, because people do get tempted to let them grow too long and that's a bad thing. The vast majority of the 50+ dogs and puppies I've owned over the last dozen years have had theirs, and I never had an injury. But I take care of them to make sure they'd never catch on anything.

When I told people I wasn't taking them off, all the agility/performance people said "Wow, good for you!" In the performance sports more and more people are requesting that they be left on because it stabilizes the joint and increases traction. My friend Emily took this awesome photo of a dog using his - look how much he's able to dig them in, and he knows to use them to help hold on.
OK glad the vet appointment isn't till Sat...I know I read someplace that dogs used to actually use their front ones to climb trees and the pic you refer to shows how well they do use these front claws! Thanks for the valuable info!
My vet does this between 1-3 days of age. If they don't bother him I wouldn't do anything. Otherwise I am guessing that they would consider it surgery if older than this! Not sure...
Finnigan doesn't have his is front or back. In the front there is a tiny bald spot where they used to be.

My father-in-law's Pem has front but no back. The nail requires constant clipping since it doesn't file down naturally.
Good news! We only had 2 dew claws to remove...most didn't have the back dew claws! We left the front ones intact! The vet who went to school in CA was also very happy we kept the tails! She loved the tails!
What a nice vet :).
My Kota didn't get his dew claws removed when he was little. They are barely held on by a little skin. But they still have the nail in them. It's sooo weird. As soon as I get a decent amount of money saved... I'm going to have them removed. I hope it's soonish. I would hate for him to have it get ripped off by playing or just running around.


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