My corgi seems super long compared to the other corgis I have met! He's 12 inches high at the shoulder and 31 inches from nose to nub if his head is level with his back and not raised up. How long are they normally? I love my silly beast no matter what, but I am curious! :)

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Replies to This Discussion dogs aren't very happy after coming toward them with a yard stick. Both Bella and Wynn are 28" but Bella appears longer when you look at the 2. I didn't measure their height but Wynn I know is 12" and I am guessing Bella is 11". 31 seems long but then.Standard size for a corgi is 10-12 " high and the distance between the withers and the tail base should be 40% longer. so if you dog were 10" long he should be 14 " long. I believe without measuring Wynn again that he is 18" from withers to butt.Now my Livvy is much shorter in length than Wynn and Bella and my other 2 fit in between the others.
I guess they all come in slightly different sizes just like people. dogs aren't very happy after coming toward them with a yard stick.

Lol... yeah, Indy wasn't too impressed with my tape measure... but I had to know! Thanks for the input! :D
Sidney is also 28"...he looked at me very warily when I came up to him with a tape measure...
In Cardigans, we expect them to be a yard long from nose to tail tip, but that's not an official measurement and we don't stretch the neck out; that's with the head up normally.

Pems are supposed to be shorter in body than Cardigans, but they are also measured according to different landmarks; the Pem standard says the body length is from the top of the shoulder to the tailset (and should be about 40% longer than tall), while the Cardigan standard says it's from the prosternum to the end of the pelvis (under the tail) and should be 1.8 times what they are at the shoulder.
A dog that is 12 inches tall at the withers should be about 17 inches from withers to nub. I've never measured from nose to nub, so I can't say.

If his chest is not as large as some Corgis, it would give the illusion that he is longer, even if he's not. Just a thought. Since he's not quite a year old, he'll still likely fill out some.
My Po is long too, don't know his measurements as I am not home at the moment and he HATES any type of measuring device, whether it be length or weight. Everytime we meet another Corgi we are always surprised at how long and tall Po is.
Well we've measured again (haha, poor Indy... he got some treats to make up for it) and he seems to be about 18 to 19 inches from shoulder blades to base-of-nub. Hard to tell exactly, due to squirmage, but he does seem a little bit longer than the 17 inch standard! He is apparently the "extended cab" version. ;)

He'll be a year old on the 19th, so I don't anticipate any more length and height, but maybe he will fill out a little!

Thanks all! Corgi people are the best people! :D
Extended cab! Super brilliant! I can't wait to get home and measure the pup. She'll hate it!
"He is apparently the "extended cab" version. ;)"

LOLOL..I love that!
I always figured Vivi was a smaller Pembroke but he's actually about 12.5" tall at the withers and around 17" long from shoulder to base of nub. Are those good proportions? Last time I weighed him (during Christmas time) he was only like 23 lbs. though.
Keke is about 12" tall and 29" long from nose to nub. As she is tri-color plus slim, she appeared longer :(


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