We got our puppy 2 weeks ago and she was 2 lbs 12 oz. And she went to the vet yesterday and is now 5 lbs. She was eating 1/4 cup three times a day. But the vet said she needs a cup a day because I told him she acts like she has never eaten when I go to feed her. She is chunky!! She is on Purina puppy chow but this weekend we are getting her Blue Buffalo. How much should I be feeding her?

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What qualifies as a true runt?
A puppy with a true metabolic problem - pituitary, or a liver shunt, or inability to absorb food correctly. They are usually much smaller at maturity too, and always look odd.

It's VERY common for puppies to be born small because they didn't have good placental sites. They didn't get as much blood supply from mom and are born thinner and with less fat and smaller bones. You sometimes have to support those puppies for a little while because they need to be fed more often and get tired quicker, but there's nothing unhealthy about them and they will end up being completely normal size as adults (and usually close to normal size by 8 weeks).
She has been wormed 5 times. Yesterday was the fifth and she goes back March 9th for another. I thought that was the right amt of deworming.
Do you know the name of the medication that was used? And did she have a fecal done?

You may notice better results (slimmer overall but better muscle) once you switch her food; Purina is pretty icky.

How is her poop? Any issues with color or consistency?
I dont know the medication that was used. I know the kind our vet uses is good always does what its suppose to. Her poop always is the same color she poops alot today was 6 times some days only two. I hope the new food cuts that down.
Pooping a lot can be because the food is crappy (which Purina is) but if it's yellowish or soft it could be coccidia - very common in young puppies and will keep them from gaining well.

Did she get a pill? Or a yellow liquid? Or a yellowish powder?
I feed JD at least 1 1/2 to 2 cups a day but he is at the required weight, 31 lbs. But thats what the vet addvised on how much to feed him. but i only started out feeding him 1 or 3/4 cups a day.
I have a small pup, too. Jackson was 5.8 lbs at 8 weeks and 6.2 lbs at 12 weeks. He's about to go in for his 16 week checkup so hopefully he's bigger.

I feed him a cup total a day, but I believe I'm going to up to 1 cup and a half. He's smaller, but he looks great. He is proportionate (if that's possible for a Corgi ;) ) and his waistline is good.

Jackson was very pot-bellied at first and has been wormed a total of four times by 12 weeks. The wormy belly went away completely by about 13 weeks. The vet was giving him the drontal (right?) and I'm not sure what my breeder used...

Check out my page for pictures. I'm going to start feeding pup more soon but he is healthy and doing great, which is much more important to me than fitting in a weight bracket.
If her parents were both under 20 pounds, then that might explain why she is smaller than my Corgi was when we brought him home. Like I said, he was 9 pounds at 10 weeks, but his parents were standard size, maybe even a bit largish. If she's gaining a pound a week and is 5 at 9 weeks, then she'd be 6 at 10 weeks. It sounds like she just came home a bit earlier too.

Most pups have a pot belly right after they eat and they lose that look once they get a few weeks older. Jack had a round belly and he was not wormy. Little puppies also poop frequently. Once or twice in the morning, once at lunch, twice in the evening and again before bed is not at all uncommon, especially if they are eating 3x a day.
I would up the food some and I also think that when she gets started on the new food this will help also.She is a cutie. I have one pup that was born skinnier and I make sure she is getting extra feedings from mom...she is catching up but will be the smallest for awhile. I just checked and my Livvy weighed 5# at 8 weeks when I got her, she is a little smaller than my others but the exact size I would want her to be if I was showing her.Puppies are just like our human babes and we need to make sure they are eating healthy food...glad you are switching to a better food! Good Luck!
Yeah I think I might try 1 cup and 1/4 instead of 1 cup. Im gonna get her switched over to Blue first. I think shes just really small. Her mom was 20 pounds and her dad 15. And she was the SMALLEST. All the puppies weighed a pound more than her even the other female.
Here you can kind of see how rounded Finn's belly was when he was little:
He was 8 or 9 weeks old in that picture.


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