We all try to watch our dogs the best we can, but sometimes we just don't catch them picking up things that we don't want them too...

What are some of the things that you have seen in your Corgis feces lol!

Odin is 5 months and I can say that I try to watch everything he eats...but sometimes he poops things and I just have to shake my head.

  • Twine
  • Plastic toy chunks...
I know Wynstan has passed a baby from a King's Cake...

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i've been the too
The only thing I've ever seen is some rabbit fur. I'm sure there has probably been some cheap latex/plastic toy stuff but I have quite buying that. They usually don't get into or destroy too much so I guess I'm lucky but they also go to the outer part of our 5 acres to poop so I can be missing some too!
One time Dakota pooped out the full sheet of that cotton sheet that comes underneath meat in the styrofoam packages.
I sleep wearing earplugs due to my husbands snoring. In the morning I remove my earplugs and shove them under my pillow. Since I have bags and bags of foam earplugs on hand, it's no biggie when a plug goes missing - I just thought they fell behind the headboard. Imagine my surprise when at the dog park Rocky shoots out hot pink, orange and purple ear plugs in one shot! Mystery solved. The gross thing is.... I thinks he likes the ear wax!
That's where my earplugs are going!! I thought it was like the sock in the dryer!
The other day I saw little specs of red in Loki poop. At first I was so scared, because I thought he was bleeding...then I realized he has eaten chunks of his teething toy.

I swear he is bent on destroying every play thing he gets.
LOL Oh yeah the mystery of poo! Gwenie who we watch ate the tiny bells off her Christmas collar. So she had jingle poo! A dear friend of ours sang Jingle poo to her to the tune of Jingle Bells! It scared me she ate bells, but the vets office said not to freak it would pass and it did! She ate 8 of these tiny bells. So far nothing else! Happy Valentines!
Gwenie & Kitty
A barbie arm, waving at me from a steaming pile of poo! I wish I had taken a picture, but that would have been kind of wierd...
I can not help but add a word of caution; These are really funny especially the barbie arm but stomach obstructions can be at best very expensive and at worst deadly. So be very careful if you have a pup that likes to eat things. Our dobe does and has had three very expensive surgeries. She is no longer allowed stuffed toys at any time or bedding when she is kenneled. She must be kenneled when ever she is left alone. I am not sure she would make it through another surgery.
I had a German Shepherd/Husky mix who loved to eat underwear, etc... One morning when my husband and I were dating, he came into the bedroom and said "your dog just laid a twelve foot turd in my living room". Sure enough, there lying on the floor, was a huge, long turd. (I wouldn't say twelve foot--maybe four). I went to pick it up, and it kinda broke in the middle. Imagine my amazement when I saw that in the middle of the poop, was her bright blue leash. ALL of it--clasp and everything--all in one piece. I rushed her to the vet the next morning (I waited 'cause I figured it couldn't be stuck in her, as it was all there) who proceeded to laugh so hard he had to sit down. He said she was probably OK, to just watch her for vomiting, poor appetite, etc. I asked why she did all this, and he figured she was just bored. Thought she probably started eating the leash, then got it so far down she couldn't get it back up so had no choice but to keep going. She was fine, and continued pooping out my underwear for years to come. It never got any better than the leash.
Oh my GOODNESS! What are our darling dogs thinking when they eat these things?!?
I thought I was being smart when I bought Durapet bowls, with the nice rubber ring bottoms to keep them from sliding around.

Yep, blue-flecked poop for days.

Now I tell the Corgis to not complain to me when their bowls slide across the floor!


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