Sydney was spayed today around noon and has now been home with me for about an hour and a half. When the vet handed her over to me she was shaking in her corgi boots and she still is! I feel so bad! Is this normal? I mean, I guess it has to be pretty traumatizing. Also, her stitches are looking kind of gross- is it normal for them to bleed a little the first day? I'm probably being a bigger baby than she is about this! Any feedback would be great. Thanks!

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That's funny Beth because my two were the opposite. Sky was the most miserable dog I'd ever seen in my life. I still wonder if the vet forgot to give him his pain shot or if he was a monochryptoid and the vet didn't tell me. Lyla, on the other hand, was running around and didn't realize that anything was supposed to be wrong with her!
How's Sydney?
She has stopped shaking and the stictches look ok, but now I'm dealing with another issue- I woke up this morning to her having bouts of diarrhea. I called the vet to see if that was normal from the spay and they didn't seem too concerned. I also found out yesterday that Syd has hookworms, which really upset me because who knows how long she's had those?? She hadn't been to the vet since the beginning of summer. Anyway, the vet suggested the diarrhea is from the hookworms, but it just seems too big of a coincidence that they tell me she had them yesterday and now the symptoms are finally showing up. I knew she was weighing a little less than an average corgi (she's 20 lb.), but I just thought she was petite- now I'm afraid it's been hookworms. I just feel awful. But anyway, she acts a little better but still mopey, as to be expected. I guess I'm going to have to wait out the diarrhea though since all they told me to do is give her some pepto-bismol. Has anyone else tried that? Oh, and thanks so much for all of the replies and asking about her. This site really has some of the most caring people!
Hi Lindsey, it's quite common for young pups to have parasites, don't feel bad, all it takes is a sniff or a lick :) pepto is fine and is a very common practice. Let us know if you have any other questions, we're here for ya!
I have used pepto in the past, however I very recently found out you shouldn't use it because it contains aspirin which is toxic to dogs. I don't think it contains enough to hurt them since my Sky was always okay when I did this, but now I just use canned pumpkin to firm up stool. Did the vet tell you what to do to worm her? Chances are the worms are causing the diarrhea and just started the symptom today because her body is under stress. Stress tends to bring out all kinds if symptoms of diseases/parasites that have been there a long time. I am concerned that your vet didn't tell you that until you asked though? That is very suspicious and irresponsible of them. I would worm her, do it again in 30 days and then take in a new fecal sample to make sure she's clear. Sorry you are having such a tough time with this spay!
Now it's been many years but I was told by the vet to give ecoteric(sp) (coated) aspirin to my 16 year old cocker for arthritis! I have used pepto and I can't remember if the Kaopectate was for a cat or dog. It's easy for dogs to get worms...don't be too hard on yourself!
I mentioned before one of my corgis developed colitis from the stress of the spay. That is diarrhea. She had to have some fluid injections because she got dehydrated. Otherwise it is just a matter of skipping a meal and letting the digestive track settle down and then feeding rice and a boiled meat (chicken or hamburger) for a few days. Just watch that she does not get dehydrated.
Worms are common and aren't usually a huge deal in an otherwise healthy dog. Did they de-worm her? Sometimes they actually get sick after worming, perhaps from the die-off. If they did not, you should do so as soon as she's recovering from the spay.

She could also have an upset digestive system from the surgery, or from the pain drugs she was given, or just from being emotionally upset by being left at the vet. Just make sure she's not dehydrated. Pinch the skin above her shoulder blades and it should instantly snap back. If it does, just treat her at home. If it doesn't, see about taking her in for some sub-cutaneous fluids. Between the fasting and the diarrhea, she might dehydrate faster than normal, but usually healthy adults can go a little while w/ diarrhea before dehydrating if they are not vomiting as well.

Sometimes ice chips are easier on their system than water, if she's having trouble keeping anything down.


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