Since I'm a newbie to this breed I was wondering what I can do about the shedding. It's unbelieveable! I want to keep her coat natural and not too short. I have brushed her with the shedding tool but don't get much. Also even after two flea treatments she still itches. I just bathed her last week and it didn't help. I would prefer to self groom for cost reasons so what is a good suggestion?


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hahahahahahahahaahah never thought of that leaf blower thats what I need hahahahahaah have yo blow out the second floor windows tho lolol thats great!
Itching can be a dietary allergen issue, often grains, particularly corn.
Get used to the dog hair, it's part of the environment (100% natural) :-) I vacuum maybe twice a month, whether it needs it or not. :)
I've never used a furminator. I just want to clear out mats, and not remove healthy undercoat. I don't think I comb them more then 10x a year, and only when I feel like it -- hard day, frustrated, want a calming, meditative experience, that's when I comb the beasts and feel so relaxed afterwards. For Al, it's a massage, and he practically falls asleep. Why would anybody pay someone else for the pleasure of combing their corgi?
I will probably comb her everyday to destress if she will just stop trying to snatch the brush, falling alseep is too much to ask from her.
I used the frontline but obviously it doesn't work because I continue to find fleas on her. They're supposed to be killed when they bit the animal. Where can I find this furminator? I have combed her I have the shedding, double sided tool but didn't get much. I too have lowered my tolerance for hair but OMG how can an animal lose that much and have any left??!! The vet told me to use Dawn to kill fleas so I don't see much options but to bathe her often to get rid of them. My other dog is not reacting to it but I have used allergy med. for her before so I think I'll get more pills to help with the allergies. I enjoyed reading all your posts they're amusing. I had no ideas these little buggers created such a mess when we took her on! Swiffers are my best friend these days and I am so thankful for wood floors!
You can find a fuminator on line for about 1/3 the cost! I think mine was 13.99 or around there and it's about 60.00 at my vets! I have the yellow medium I believe. Have you washed their blankets in hot water and vaccumned to get rid of fleas in the house and outside too if she's getting them from there? She may be reacting to an allergy from the flea bites also! John also asked about food allergies. Does your dog food have grains in it? Especially corn can cause allergies! Good luck!
You probably have a house infestation of fleas. They lay eggs and hatch after a dormancy. Just getting them off the dog will not eliminate them you need to get them out of your house too. Otherwise they will keep returning. You can google this or talk to your vet about how to safely to this.
We started using a flea medicine called Comfortis. It's a once a month pill my vet recommended, and boy does it work. Absolutely no fleas, and the ticks she picked up on a hike this past weekend didn't even bite her -- I just picked them out of her coat (ewwww, gross) even though it's not advertised as being effective for ticks. The active ingredient is spinosad, which is classified as an organic compound. It's weird because it was discovered by a scientist on vacation in the Caribbean -- apparently he found an area on the beach that didn't have any fleas, etc., so he took a sample of the soil back to his lab. The beach area was near an old rum distillery, and they believe the spinosad was created by fermentation. There are some possible side effects, particularly vomiting (you can find a complete list on the comfortis website), but we've been using it since our puppy was four months old, and she's had no adverse effects and no fleas! And the pill is beef flavored :) The only down side is the price, but if you look online I think you can find it cheaper than from your vet. GOOD LUCK!
The shedding sure is unbelievable..its the Only downfall about this breed. My tri-color sheds alot more than my red and white. I use a furminator on them. It removes the undercoat. After I use the furminator, I use another brush to pick up the loose hair. Grooming sure is alot of work, and I understand your reason to self groom. But sure is worth all the work. This is my first time owning dogs, and I would never own another breed, because corgis are the best.. :-)


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