I just rescued an 8 week old female corgi. She was kept in an outside kennel since she was born, so obviously she just pees and poops wherever she wants to. I hate to keep her gated in the kitchen so much, but she's ruining my carpet. She even peed on my bed! I am trying to train her to use puppy pads (my mom take care of her most of the day, and she is unable to take her outside) Any tips would be GREATLY appreciated :)

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Congrats on your new addition. Check answer here.
Thank you!!
I would really try to find a way to take her outside rather than using the puppy pads. Orion was paper-trained at the breeders and it caused problems because he kind of just learned that he couldn't pee on tile so he always did it on rugs. So to undo the paper-training from the breeder, I did crate training with Orion, we have the life stages crate that you can put a divider in so the space is small but comfortable. If the crate is small enough the dog cannot pee in one place then move to the other side and sleep so with such a small place they are forced to hold it. This teaches them that they CAN hold it for long periods of time. I got Orion at 9 weeks old and since I got him he sleeps every night in his crate at least 8 hours before asking me to go out to pee and poop. We have never ever had an accident in his crate because he knows he would have to lay in it.

When outside of the crate running around the house we made sure someone always had an eye on them. We have a baby-gate dividing our house in half so the cats have a place away from Orion and that helped keep him around us all the time. Any time we saw any sniffing or weird behavior like suddenly wandering away from a toy I'd take him outside. If he didn't pee/poop I'd bring him in and put him in the crate for 5-10 minutes, then take him outside. Always remember that during this training stage you need to carry her from her crate to the potty-spot outside so there aren't any accidents along the way. When Orion pooped or peed outside I would act like it was the best thing that every happened "GOOD POOP ORION!!! YAY!" Or you could use a special delicious potty-treat like a piece of cheese that she only gets after going potty outside.

Things to remember:
Never second guess yourself: if you get the feeling she may have to go, take her out! Trust me, most of Orion's accidents were my fault because I thought "well he just went out.. he doesn't need to go out again" and sure enough he had to go out
Take her out often: after naps, after eating, and many many times during vigorous play (when my brother's dog would visit I'd have to take Orion out ever 20 minutes or we'd have accidents)
Have a specific pee/poop spot: if you do use puppy pads always lay them in the same place, if you use outside always use a specific patch of grass
Praise praise praise!! If she gets lots of "YAY GOOD JOB" and special treats when she goes in the proper place, she'll begin to understand that pooping/peeing in that place is the correct thing to do

Good luck with the new puppy :)
Thank you sooooo much! That is very informative. I'll give it a try tonight *fingers crossed*
At 8 weeks they are most likely going to have some accidents...they are still learning but getting them out often is important and remember at this age..."food in/food out". It does not take long for them to have to poop after eating(for most pups)!

Good luck and I'm glad she got a good chance for a better home!
Soooo...I constructed a "crate" out of 2 baby gates at the doorway from our bathroom to our bedroom, so that she could see us (she starts barking like crazy if she can't see us) and she literally started howling around 2 AM. She wouldn't stop for an hour, so we had to let her out. Should I buy a crate and put it right next to my bed? Any ideas? Thank you all so much for your help!
I'd by a crate with a divider so you can make the space large enough that she can sleep comfortably but small enough that she can't pee in one end and sleep in the other. The crate will encourge her to sleep more since she doesn't have the ability to run around. The first few nights I waited for Orion to fall asleep then put him in the crate and he slept the whole night. Make sure to wear her out during the day too
Yes, go get a crate, check craigslist if budget is an issue. The bathroom area is too big for now, a crate that limits her space will assist her to hold through the night, make sure you time her last water break / potty break before going to bed.
Well...I got a crate. She cries most of the time she's in there. I get up every 3 hours at night to take her out. I still find pee in the crate every morning. And get this...Every night, she has stuck her butt up against the wires and pooped on the floor beside the crate! I guess she just needs a little more time. Thanks everybody!!
Smart corgi!!
Try not feeding her too close to bedtime, I would feed her at the latest 6pm ready for bed at 10. Make sure she has had time to go out for potty, and tire her out to make sure she is ready for bed. Like with a child have the same bedtime routine every night so that she knows that bedtime is coming.
Good luck with the baby xxx
Well...I've started feeding her at 5:00 PM (I go to bed at 11) I take her ouside every hour (every two hours at night) She always pees and poops when I take her out in the evening, but she still pees and poops in her crate at least once a night...then she just lies down in it. I'm having to give her 3 baths a day, I'm losing a lot of sleep, and I'm just not sure what to try next. Any suggestions? Sorry to keep buggin'


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