My little girl ferret died today...I posted this on another forum and deleted it because everyone was so rude there. She was 5 years old, and their life span is 5-7 years if I recall correctly. She was also the runt of the litter so she was always small but I noticed that she looked like she was losing some weight yesterday, so I gave her some vitamins in her food and water and she had some eye crusties so I cleaned them off but she seemed like she was doing fine, I checked on her again before I went to bed and she crawled out of the cage onto my arm when I opened it to get petted like she always does. Well, this morning I go into check on her when I woke up, and she was laying there almost lifeless and my Fiance was already at work an hour away and my family is out of town on a camping trip. and even if my Fiance was home, They decided TODAY to drain the sewage pipes outside our apartment and all the cars were blocked in when I got up. I don't think there was any saving there because she died not even an hour after I found her like that. I tried to get her to drink and eat but she wouldn't and I put her in a box with one of my old t-shirts and tried to make her as comfortable as possible. I called my mom crying and she said I could go over to her house to bury her and said to just make her comfortable as possible because I've had her for a long time and it just sounds like old age.

The people on the other forum guilt tripped me like I could've done more but by the time my fiance got back and we started heading to the vet she probably would've died along the way there..  I'm still so upset over this and now all the people from the other forum just made it worse.

am I really a horrible person?

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No I don't think your horrible...if she seemed comfortable enough and wasn't in serious visible pain then she was probilly better off with you at home..It's always hard to take an ailing/dieing pet to a vets office where it's loud and confusing plus the added stress of a stranger handling them...always better at home.
She just laid down and looked like she was sleeping, she didn't look like she was in pain, no labored breathing or anything. sorry for your loss and 2nd you are not a horrible person. Sometimes death happens and I believe that making that animal/person as comfortable as possible is better than all the medical intervention. Death is part of life and it's sad but being there to comfort your dying one is sometimes more important than giving your loved one a little longer to live. I recently sat with my mother for 13 hours before she died and I don't regret a minute of it and we didn't send her to the hospital but I was there. I bet you feel better being there than having to leave your beloved pet at the vet and having her dye without you there???? You need to not be so hard on yourself as you may have really listened with your heart and maybe it was a blessing that you couldn't leave! Take care!
Sorry for your lose
I am sorry for your loss, and no you are not horrible. If she went that fast it was probably not something treatable anyway. It sounds like she knew she was loved and her time was just here. You did right by her and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Thanks guys..I just felt horrible for all these people saying this to me and telling me I should rehome my male ferret. My mom just called me and said I did the right thing.. My fiance went with me to help me bury her and helped me make a grave marker for her. I still had her birth certificate but I couldn't find it so I put down the date when I got her.
Oh, that's so sad. It's a terrible shame that some pets only live a short while, but I suppose we love them enough for three lifetimes in that while. You did the right thing; you're not a terrible person for letting her go. I would have done the same, I reckon.

Long distance hugs,
Rachael & Waffle
I started looking up reasons as to why she could've died and I'm reading a story now that is VERY similar to her and what was happening to her, the way she acts and everything is the same. It helps me feel a little better but I was so greatful that I still had spice and Moose today. Spice was acting like his normal hyper self but Moose snuggled up with me and fell asleep with me after she died this morning. I was the only one home when it happened so I was really happy I still had Moose and Spice to keep me company.
NO your not horrible. I am so sorry for your loss. Gwenie & I are sending you our love & prayers. Ignore haters they just have nothing better to do. Iam sure she knew you loved her.
We are sorry to hear about your loss. People sometimes can be so rude. I lost two pet hedgehogs much the same way, and from the sounds of it, there wasn't much you could have done for your little guy. It was just time. Hugs from us, and just continue to love the ones you have as best you can.
So sorry for your loss!
Christy and Jane wrote just what I was thinking. You did just the right thing for her, and it was the best you could do. I'm just sorry you were all alone in your grief. It sounds like you have wonderful support from your Mom and your fiance as well as your furry family.


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