W-a-l-k, B-y-e, O-u-t...does anyone else have to spell so their dog doesn't know what you're saying?

Is it just me or do you find yourself spelling so your dog doesn't(?) know what you're saying????

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walk, bye, out are a few....

All you have to do to catch Buddy's attention is say "You wanna go?" and then he is practically shaking with excitement to find out what you are going to say next!
Guinness is the same. We could be asking him "You wanna go to the moon?" and all he hears is "go".
Yes, except, I dont even think that helps, Im pretty sure he knows by the tone of our voice what we are saying. If we say...They are here..when expecting company he knows what we are saying and will get worked up, if we say Good Bye, when people are getting ready to leave the house, he knows and once again gets all worked up!!!! When we want to take a walk we call it the W. But if we say do you want to go on a W, Im pretty sure he knows what we are referring to, lol.
I have quit using the word good bye and have to think b/4 I spell!
The only thing I've noticed so far that I have to spell with Archie is BED! When my stepson, my niece, or my husband (who all usually go to bed before me) say "I'm goin to bed, or I tell them it's time for bed, Archie immediatley goes in his crate and lays down! It's nice that he knows the word/command well enough to be that obedient, but every time the word is used by mistake without spelling it, I have to go & tell him he doesn't have to be in there if he doesn't want to!!!
Cute...good boy Archie...even if you don't need to go there!
I try to use synonyms for "breakfast" and "supper" when I am talking about our own meals and not the dogs. I also can't say "bed" or they run in their crates expectently.

Jack knows the names of his toys. He used to have a set of rubber rings. Once we were out on the deck with the telescope, looking at Saturn. It was clear out and the planet was close, and you could see the rings. Shawn and I were commenting on how well you could see the rings. "Do you see the rings? Yes, I see them!" The dog barked at the door to go in, and I thought maybe he had to go potty (the deck is gated). So I opened the door, let him in, walked inside to look for the leash.... and here comes Jack, trotting out of the living room with his rings in his mouth, grinning. He heard us talking about the rings and thought we meant his!

I often think dogs hear us the way the kids on Charlie Brown hear adults, so that when a word they know pops up, it must be a real eureka! moment.
Love it Beth...I can just imagine Jack doing this! Someday I would like to put gates on my deck...the dogs could be out there for hours!
We can't even say "hungry" or our animals go nuts, including the cat. "Evening meal" is one of our synonyms.

Guinness knows his toys too. His favorites are ball, rope, squirrel, penguin. (He has lots of different toys.)
Oh yes...I can't say "walk", "park", "play", "cookie" or "treat" without Sidney getting all excited. Oh, he knows the cats' names too. Even spelling doesn't help when he sees me putting on my hiking boots or putting on a cap; then it's game over, he's climbing the walls with excitement!
Yes but to no avail...... And they've even learned "code"!!! They know WA= walk, OU=out, and K=kong!!!

And speaking of the K-O-N-G ..... Soffie even knows that by 8:30 pm if it looks like we might forget that it's "time" she finds it and starts throwing it up in the air and looking at us, first at me and then at Dawn. All the while Griffyn is acting all aloof and nonplussed..... until one of us (ususally Dawn) gets up and heads to the kitchen with both kongs in hand and then it's a mad dash!!! Who would ever think a kong stuffed with frozen green beans and a 1/2 a wellness biscuit would draw such a response!!
We have to take the D-O-G to the P-A-R-K.


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