well i have been putting it off as i am a little worried about him and the big snip but it really must be done. this Saturday i am taking him to the spca to get it done as it is cheaper than my vet and they also will give him two days of pain meds. im nervous as hes never been "under" before and i know that some dogs can be allergic to it. i have had one of our dogs done before so i know hes gotta wear the "cone of shame" lol but honestly he cant even bend that far but ill do it anyways. last night i put the cone on and gave him his favorite toy once it was on with some treats. he honestly didnt even notice until he ran into the table lol poor little guy. im just happy we are getting it done before we move. and the poor vet has to do some digging as one isnt descended. we caught that right away as a pup but we were hoping it would have dropped by now, o well though. he will have his last few days to say good bye haha. 

im not worried about him running around and opening the stitches as he has always been really calm(except when theres another dog or when he wants to play tug of war)  and hes to short to jump on the coach.   so that night after his surgery is it ok to give him his 1/2 cup of dinner or should i wait until morning? how long did it take for your guys to bounce back?

i know deep down he will be ok but i always worry of what could happen

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We visited Edison right after his surgery- he was terribly doped up and pathetically glad to see us, poor sweetie. However, when we picked him up the next morning, he was back to his old peppy self, minus his testicles and plus the Cone of Shame. The cone was Edison's biggest problem- he couldn't climb stairs, he had a lot less clearance for turning corners and when dinner time came around, he ended up inverting the entire cone over the bowl, which gave him complete privacy- just him and the kibble in the cone! He never seemed to notice that his man-bits were gone. Corgis are famous for recuperating quickly. Your little guy should be fine. :)
aw poor little guy! at least it wasnt on him for very long:) i could imagince him doing the same, all droopy but glad to see us.i just hope he dosnt notice his man-bits are gone lol
Good luck Teddy!
thank u!:)
You might want to check out the blue inflatalbe collar http://www.petco.com/product/100555/ProCollar-Premium-Inflatable-Pr.... We found it to be much better for Griffyn. The cone kept getting caught on the carpet and tripping him up.
i have been really thinking about getting him this, so when its time for bed he can be comfy. i did notice that a little with teddy and its just seem to be annoying cuz he couldnt see that well but then at times he didnt notice it that much
I only had to use a cone (out of probably 10 spay/neuters) on my Aussie as he wouldn't stop and the vet still laughs as they have never seen anything so bad as him! He will look pretty bad but by the next day he will be much better!
aww lol poor guy. i know at the first glance it will look bad and painful but i bet the next day he wont notice to much
Rufus never had to use the cone, as he's long and couldn't reach. Plus, I never really saw him try. He had an amazingly tiny incision and it clearly didn't bother him much. I fed him that evening, and I think it was about half of his normal feed. I gave him canned food instead of kibble as a treat, too, as I figured it would be digested more easily.
i am going to do the same,:) he never really gets canned food so i bet he would think its a wonderful treat. probably better for him to digest it too than the hard kibble
I'm pretty sure your vet will advise you about when and how much to feed him. I forgot to send best wishes to Teddy in my earlier post!! It's amazing how fast these little guys get right back into every day mischief!! Keep us posted.
thank u for suggesting that, no use making him feel worse. if its really bothering him then ill give it to him but if he seems fine then ill just save them. i hope the little guy will brighten up the day after but then again if i were a guy and lost my some of my man parts i would be a little upset too lol :P helpfully he wont notice tho


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