Permalink Reply by Beth on October 17, 2010 at 10:18am
After seeing the finalists, I am definitely second-guessing my submissions. I was trying to choose between 3, and I think that the other two might have appealed to the judges more. :-)
I'm not complaining; they are nice pictures, all of them. So cute! I tried not to figure out who was who, because that might have influenced my voting!
After 13 slots are filled, each picture will go through post production, apply design elements, then it'll be ready for sample print. Once we got the proof and satisfied with the print quality, then it'll be ready for the public. We hope to get them done and shipped before thanskgiving.
We've received 970 votes in just ONE day, thank you so much for your support!
The most voted corgi is only leading by 4 votes, the 13th corgi is only 2 votes ahead.
Fun facts, here are the countries that voted around the world.
Each picture is unique & great (color, expression, action, etc) so it was a very tough to choose just 5 but I bet the MyCorgi staff had it even tougher to narrow it down to these 20 from so many submissions.
Can't wait for the results and for the calendar to come out.