What job would your dog's choose if they could??

I find it interesting how different my dog's interests are. Sparty would have loved being a hearing assistance dog. He loves to bark and always runs back and forth from the door/phone etc to let us know it is ringing or someone is here. Izzy would be the beauty queen at the dog show. She always wants to be the center of attention and loves to be petted or talked to. Misty would have loved to be a search and rescue dog. She loves walking in the woods with her nose to the ground and is the first to see deer, squirrels etc. What would your dog be?

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Waffle would probably be a sheep herder! He loves to chase things. I'm thinking of taking him down to a farm and letting him go nuts. :0

People-jobs... I think he would be... a food scientist. lol. He's smart and only likes to eat people food. u_u Spoiled brat.
Ella would work in clothing, perhaps at a dry cleaner or at a clothing store. Her favorite is socks, she steals them and puts them in just the right areas (like under the couch).
Fun topic. Corgis are so smart and interesting! Hank would be a good police officer - he's so bossy when the cats play or hiss or unexpected noises occur. He loves order and he loves to tell everyone all about it by barking in their faces. As in: "what seems to be the problem here??"
Trixie is a definitely a nurse when you are sick, but she is also an incredible digger, so she could be a landscaper or work in construction as well. She could also be a thief - she steals just about everything (toys, socks, treats) and feels justified that it's all hers!
Oh man, Lola would be a bouncer at a club! She thinks she's in charge of the place. When we have people over that she's never met before, we typically put her in the bedroom so she can't try to chase them out - but when she calms down, stops her barking, and we let her out to greet, she runs (more like sprints) straight into their laps. She absolutely hates the maintenance guys and runs to the door as soon as they leave to make sure they're not coming back. If somebody's walking through the hallways, stairways, or the main entrance of the apartment building when she's going through them, she'll try to chase them out. Gets a little embarrassing after a while, and thank god she hasn't tried to bite anything but the hems of pants.

If my boyfriend and I make too much noise or play-fight, she's right in there barking at us and telling us to break it up. She tries to do that to skateboarders and loud groups of teenagers, too!
Corky would unfortunatley choose a life of crime as his occupation! He steals shamelessly, panties, toys, tissues from the garbage, toilet paper! He knows its wrong and waits til he is alone and the opportunity is ripe, he is never sorry nor feels remorse. He would end up in the big house as some big dogs bitch:( Thank god he has me!
My Max would be a sheep or cattle dog for sure. He's happiest when running like the wind. Never slows down. If we throw a ball about 10 feet, he'll go 40 feet to bring it back. Any excuse to run. Sophie would also be a beauty queen or some sort of diva. She is so attention crazy and really does crave being at the center of any affection being given. Both Max and Sopie also love to walk in the woods on the property and love chasing rabbits!
Sophie would like to be the grounds keeper where we live and Manager of all Deer and Rabbits....keeping them all shooed away and in line. Also, I have no doubt she would love to be a Judge in a Big Texas Beef Rib Cook Off!
demolitions experts!
Gwynnie: Some kind of independent explorer. She always wants to go off in some new direction, and will let you know it. An exploratory geologist, maybe, since she likes to dig in the dirt. A firefighter? She loves nothing so much as the garden hose.
Al: He's always looking at you to make sure he's doing OK and will do anything for a bribe, so some kind of amoral sycophant, lackey, politician or midlevel gangster, sucking-up to the Boss and looking for the payoff. He'd excel at any kind of chicanery -- smuggling coke, dealing bundled securitized debt obligations, credit default swaps or corrupt legislation, or writing worthless mortgages. Irresistibly charming, he'd make a good campaign manager, gigolo, or corporate PR flack, and a perfect FAUX news anchor. But his laser-like focus on pneumatic spheres would save him from such a life of crime and shame. He would, or course, become a harmless soccer or tennis star.
Both, of course, would follow in Li'l Abner's footsteps: mattress testers.
My female would be quality control for Serta Matress Inc.....My male would be quality control for Blue Bell Ice Cream Inc....
Murphy would be a security guard. He's very protective of our home and always alerts when someone comes to our door or even just walks by the house or across the street.


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