My Dad's Corgi is due to have puppies any day now and they took her to have an x-ray done to see how many there is. I'm kinda worried cause She's only has one baby in there. Has any one out there has any trouble with single puppy litters. Is there anything We should look for? Thanks

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I know someone on here had a cardi...that was the only pup! I would definitely keep a close eye on her!!!! What did the vet suggest? Any straining...a long labor with no results and I would call the vet and check with what they think before she starts going into labor! Good luck!
The only issue I've heard of is a single puppy can be larger than normal which can cause trouble in the birthing canal. I'm not a breeder though!
Frosty was a singleton puppy. His breeder did have some difficulty with his birth as he was HUGE before he was born. I have the whole story posted on my corgi page in the "about my corgi" section ( You can also read the story in his breeder's own words at his page here: Have you talked to your vet about whether they think a c-section would be necessary? Your vet should be able to tell you from the x-ray how large the puppy is. One thing I highly recommend with a single-pup litter is making sure you take it around a lot of other dogs, preferably close in age, so that it can get the proper socialization. There are a lot of things puppies don't learn about being a dog if they are the only one. We have a lot of strange behavioral issues with Frosty that our vet says are caused by him being a singleton.
I also started a discussion some months ago about single pup litters here if you'd like to look at it -
From my breeder:

"A singleton is a puppy that has no siblings (an only child) and it is not a
good situation for a puppy that is a "pack" animal to be in. We had one
other singleton 8 years ago and she still lives with us, she never learned
how to play nicely with others, is extremely selfish with toys and thinks
that everyone has to bow down to her. It is sad to see her want to play so
badly but when anyone approaches her to play she becomes unsure of the
situation and gets everyone just leaves her alone. As long as
everyone ignores her she can run with the pack and there are no problems.
With Paige's girl we raised her a little differently, creating a sibling
type environment, challenging her with toys and pushing her off of her
mothers teats when she was nursing to keep her from becoming a bully and to
let her know that everything is not "hers". We also put her in the pack of
adult dogs as soon as she was able to walk around well enough to "get out of
the way". They did a great job of teaching her the rules and she is a much
happier dog that knows how to play and interact with others. "
Here are a couple of articles that I thought you might find interesting:

Whelping a Singleton Puppy -

Litter Size and Singleton (you have to scroll down a little ways to get to the singleton part) -

Dog Behavior: Singleton Puppies -
Singletons can have social issues..but before you worry about the raising of a singleton lets get the little bunny butt whelped out. General rule is 3 or less and 10 or more are c-sections. That's just a general rule, doesn't mean you'll need that BUT that pup has all the room it needs and nutrition and probably will be pretty good size. She could have trouble delivering it and you will need to assist in getting him out. This can be tricky since you don't want to break the sac and have the pup go back in the canal when she breaks from a contraction and you have so much time to get that pup out once in the birth canal. I highly recommend you getting the book Puppy Intensive Care: A breeders Guide of Newborn Puppies by Myra Savant-Harris from Amazon and The Complete Book of Dog Breeding by Dan Rice DVM. I can sit here and go through every possible scenario and what you should possibly do but ultimately its knowing your dog and recognizing when they need help and in that moment of desperation you won't remember a thing I've have to read this material over and over again so it becomes so embedded in your mind that when emergencies and time are crucial you know it. I don't mean to scare you but you need to do your homework before whelping a litter. Corgis are known for having trouble and even raising the pups for the first couple of months is crucial. Good luck and keep us updated.
i read those articles and it makes me rethink breeding my little carly,, she may not be having a litter after all..
i just thought i could get another pup that way but maybe its better to just buy her a sister or brother..???
Sounds like im a chicken especially since i bred our three dachshunds fifteen yrs ago and had no problems at all~
I would highly recommend buying her a brother or sister as apposed to having a litter. What if she had 12 puppies? Could you afford that? Think of how much that would be in vet bills!! I know a breeder who's last litter was 12. Plus, you would have your extra dog, but what about all the other puppies?? It is not being a chicken to be responsible and make the correct decisions for your situation. There are lots of breeders with good puppies available that need a home.

I love this flowchart. You should NEVER breed if you don't have the resources to assure the puppies have great health, great homes, and great temperament.
i answered yes to everything except the certification so i suppose thats not to bad.


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