One of my friends got into a car accident this weekend. She hit a patch of ice and rolled her car several times. She was fine and only got a few scratches and is a bit sore, but her dog (Jayda, a pit bull mix) was thrown from the vehicle. She had been riding loose in the car. When the paramedics picked up my friend, they dropped her dog off at a shelter for her to pick up after she got check out at the hospital. I find this part particularly sad because I can not imagine how scary and upsetting this was for Jayda, who loves her mommy and hates to be away from her. When she made it to the shelter, Jayda was lying in her cage and could hardly get up. It turns out she has a broken pelvis and will be going into surgery today.

Now to the point of this post. I would just die if something like this happened to my Paisley. I know some people recommend having the dog always ride in a crate, but for me this isn't practical. The crate just barely fits in my little two door car, and is almost impossible to get it in and out. So instead I have banished little Paisley to the backseat, much to her dismay, and I would like to get her a harness / seat belt thing. I was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations of a brand or certain type that has worked well for your corgis? Your help is much appreciated and I hope everyone is safe this holiday season, especially on those icy roads!

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I was wondering if anyone knew of anyone who's dog had survived a crash thanks to a harness?
is it better to have belt on or crate?
Personally, I say harness. Others will say crate but to me, a harness acts like a seatbelt and will keep a dog restrained. I have read about crates busting open upon impact in a crash, which wouldn't be very safe to both the people and the dog. And if the crate doesn't open then the dog could smash against the side of the crate.

Potus is perfectly comfortable in his harness, so that's what we use (plus we have a small car, so even if we wanted to crate him we couldn't fit one in)
One may also have an ICE number for their dog.....a plan to have someone pick the dog up as opposed to going to the shelter. Veterinary care would occur much quicker and the dog would not have to stress in the shelter setting. Hope all are ok!
Thanks...just ordered 2!!!! I find that even though I may still use a crate these will be handy when I decide at the last minute to take a dog!

I like this "Ruff Rider" harness.  It has 2 plastic bayonet buckles, but you  do NOT ever have to open these; simply fold the forefoot and guide the foreleg through the rear chest loop.  Seems awkward at first, but becomes very easy.  The yellow leash goes through the little yellow loop behind the neck.

Note the old climbing carabiner -- use that to clip to back seatbelt.  Clip the dog in as tightly as possible.

This is NOT, I think, as safe as a hard crate -- he'll flip all over the place in a rollover, maybe hit by flying baggage -- but he won't be thrown from the car.

See the stitching on the dorsal yellow loop?  Keep an eye on that, but it doesn't look like a high-wear area.

I too find this so sad.  I love my corgis to ride with me, but their safety had to come first.  I bought a harness that attaches to the clip in the back seat of my car (this is put there by the car maker to attach baby seats).  It keeps them safely belted in.  They can move a little but not much.  At first they were not so crazy about it, but they have adjusted just fine.  They usually just sit there very calmly.  And of course, when we get to the park they are crazy happy.
I have been thinking about this a lot. I don't have a lot of room in my car for a crate. I was looking for a good harness to get. Thanks for posting all the suggestions! I can't wait to order one!

I use this harness in the car and have been happy with it. It was recommended to me by a bunch of other corgi owners and it fits their shape really well.


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