Hi All,


I know this is more of a cat issue than a corgi issue, but it affects my nubs directly- I have a cat who can't keep it in the litter box.


She goes into the litter box, and then hangs her rear end OVER THE EDGE to poo. She doesn't do this when she pees, I assume because the mechanics of her stance are different.  I've watched her, and I know she's not freaked out about the litter box, because she goes right in there!


Ok, I know this is more of a cat problem, but what she ends up doing is leaving disgusting "dog treats" for my corgis who don't even have to forage in the box.  YUCK!


I know from reading other posts that we are not the only cat + corgi household on the site.  Anyone else have this issue and have a solution? 



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i would get an enclosed cat box and u can one where the opening is to narrow for pups to get into
I had a cat that did that years ago. Eventually I found a litter that she seemed willing to poop in. So try some different ones. Also put newspaper under the box and have it in a room you can block off from the dogs. Cats really like their privacy when they go. You could try a bigger box on the outside with a smaller one in but it won't change what the cat is doing.
I have a covered box and a child gate into the room it's in BUT the dogs still can get into the box if the want their special treat!

We got a top entrance litter box.  It almost looks like a regular storage tub, but has a hole in the lid.  It is bigger than most litter boxes and the lid is beveled to catch the litter from the cats feet.  A short little corgi definitely would not be able to get in and there is no way the cat could hang butt out.


Here is the link to the kind we have:  http://www.amazon.com/Clevercat-Top-Entry-Litter-Box/dp/B0002ZS20I


Wow, I've never seen a litter box like that.  Did it take the cats long to figure it out?  My mom would love it, it looks like it would also cut down on the tracking!
I'd also be interested to know if it took them long to figure it out?
No, they caught on right away.  They prefer the old style litter box because it is less work for them (my cats are lazy lol), so we would have to remove or block the old litter box to get them to use this new one.  Other than that, its really great, they figured it out right away.  I believe it also came with some instructions that outlined how to get your cat to use it.  We got it to cut down on the amount of litter on our floors.  I don't think it really helped with that at all lol!
This type can be made from a Rubbermaid tub, if you find the price too high. Make sure if you do this that you tape over the edges of the hole that you cut in the lid of the tub so there are no rough edges. You can show it to Kitty with the lid off at first if she doesn't catch on immediately, and put used litter in it at first.

At our old house we had one of those big giant round litterboxes, and we spun it around so the entrance was close to the wall. It wasn't 100% successful but definitely deterred him from eating the kitty krispies.

At our new house we just put a small doggie door without the flap in the basement door, and we keep the litterbox down there.

We did that too... small doggy door in the basement door with no flap.  That way our cats can escape from Frosty lol.  It is so funny to watch him stick his head through there and whine down at the cats! 
I can only imagine some of mine getting stuck in the one with the hole on the top...I think they'd try to get in:)

Jane, now that I've endorsed the top-opening cat box, you reminded me of a corgi issue. At our dog park there's a trash can with a flat top with a round hole cut in it, similar to this littler box. It's about 3 ft. high. One day as we were leaving the park I threw away our totally trashed tennis ball in that can. Flash forward at least a week: we arrive at the park, and I'm distracted juggling bags, leashes, etc. I look up, and there's Lilli, on top of the trash can, on her way to dumpster dive in to search for that tennis ball!

I may have to rethink my endorsement :)


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