OK...so Bella has been on her special food plus a regimen of several drugs to keep her from throwing up. I called the vet again today and when she called me back she questioned whether Bella could be allergic to the poultry or corn in the i/d food. I NEVER feed any  dog food with corn in it and when I thought of it...I don't feed poultry but have always fed salmon or bison... could this i/d be making her worse?

Will stop her antibiotics as that could be part of the problem and start a bland homemade diet later tonight...I sure hope this works!!!!!!!

All her labs were within normal limits.

Her amylase test for pancreatitis was fine...

Any thoughts would be appreciated....we don't know what to do next:(  Thanks!!!!!!

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Antibiotics are most likely the problem. It is so hard when there isn't a definite diagnosis. Sorry for you and Bella!

Antibiotics are tough on the gi system;  I don't tolerate them well at all.  Can you give her some plain Dannon yogurt with live and active cultures?


Poor Bella!   Jack doesn't seem to do well with large quantities of chicken, but he doesn't get actually sick, just soft stools.

I hope the homemade diet and stopping the antibiotics fix her right up! Poor Bella. I know when I have to take antibiotics it upsets my stomach. :(
How about just no food for 24 hours. Just water as she wants it and let her tummy rest. She won't starve in spite of what she will tell you. If you are stopping all med, this should be safe. If she is getting meds, follow the label instructions. I'd start her back on just some plain white rice in small amounts every few hours and see how that goes. Poor baby has had so much stuff changed in her diet her tummy doesn't know what to do. Sometimes those digestive systems just need to empty out and rest. Just a thought.
I'm only stopping the antibiotics. Bella has 3 meds an hour before she eats (pepcid,Zofran and Metoclopramide) and Sucralfate 2 hours before or 3 hours after eating. These all seem to work but NO more antibiotics. Bella had a small potatoe and some pumkin for supper. She does not really like to drink so I had been adding some to her food. The vet and I discussed other food ideas and I had Bella fast for 12 hours before feeding again. Hope she'll be feeling better soon too! bella did not do well with the home made chicken and rice either before I started the i/d.
Well Bella has pooped and is tolerating the pumkin and potatoe well:) I will add cottage cheese tonight or tommorrow but I am going to very slow even if it's not highly nutritious as I just don't want her to vomit!!!! She is very happy today also:)
Yay, Bella's happy today!
Glad to hear Bella is doing better, yay!!!


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