Juno's home and everything seemed great until he left his sisters....which I can understand since I'm a total stranger doing all these new things with him. He's 10.5wks old and pee'd twice in his crate on our drive back. At first, carrying him was ok but now he's on and off now ESPECIALLY when it comes to taking him out of his "safe haven" crate since he wont' come out himself to eat or poop. He'll whimp, bark, & even try to bite sometimes when my hand gets near. I've tried to associate good things with me holding him but it's on and off. Same goes for petting. He'll be ok one minute and the next he's trying to get at my hand. I'm not sure why....he seems to be VERY independent and doesn't want to play or associate with you much at all(also because of new environment/people) How do i break this habit since he'll be a companion. How do i stop him from getting at my hand when he doesn't like something.

I also put his collar on right once i got him and anytime there's any tugging with the collar or pressure, he'll whimp & try to bite. I've tried to pet him more under the collar so he gets used to some time of feeling/pressure but not sure if it's working. How can i introduce the leash and start using it if he whimps and all with just a collar?

Pretty much he'll bark/bite me at random & i haven't been able to figure out what it is...if i'm doing anything wrong or that he's just not used to all these new things. I'm sure he got petted and all a lot but not sure about handling before i got him. & since he's on and off with me carrying him...how do i get him out of his crate to go poop & eat. Today i had to bring his food in front of his crate and when he saw food he came out right away and gobbled up super fast though still refuses to drink water.

Would love this community's assistance as i'm new to dogs/corgis and i'm not sure if it's me doing wrong, trying to do too much or what it is but i'm getting a bit stressed and i shouldn't be....my biggest question is what if he doesn't go potty since he won't come out  or let me carry him...he has to go to the yard... =/


UPDATE: since 5am this morning...he's been whining continuously. I fed him, he went potty, had water, though haven't had much play time because he won't play with me and he doesn't play by himself. Is he just missing his sisters because he'll continuously whine and then it turns into barking if i leave him. At the beginning I tried to ignore his behavior and not let him out or give anything until he's quiet. Now i just go "HEY!" with a firm voice. Am i doing it wrong? I don't know how to stop or figure out why he's whining and it's starting to get out of hand.

Update(day 4): Juno is starting to adjust. He no longer whines too much as he's learning when i'll play w/ him and or do my own thing. There seems to be something new everyday with him. He's barking louder and louder and i haven't responded to his barking unless he's giving me a demand bark or barking at me because i'm carrying him or doing something he doesn't like. He's been pee/poo'n well. I take him out every 2 hours or so; he holds it throughout the night himself. He's playing a little more now but i noticed he just like to sit on me but when i do my own thing he'll find new things to chew on rather than his toys.

Right now these are the things i'm trying to work on...it would be great if anyone has suggestions:
1) for him to stop chewing on his leash and react so much to the collar/leash pulling. He doesn't let me clip his leash on so what i do is i hold him down now when i do it and he whines but he eventually stops. I'm trying to make the leash a good thing so when ever it's on it's because he's either going out, going potty, or having his food.

2) He's now beginning to eat his poo....it's apparently REALLY good =.=' not sure what to do yet but pick it up RIGHT AWAY!

3) He's too excited when he hears his food getting poured so he'll bark and bark and bark in addition to jumping inside his crate. I leave his food and don't respond or take him out until he calms down. I put his leash on then walk him over to the kitchen. I signal for him to wait before i put to the food down and when i put it down i give him the release word "ok".

4) What's the best way to socialize him right now since he can't be around other dogs? THe vet strongly recommended me not to take him out on walks at all until he's 4months. By then, i know he's lost a lot of precious socialization time. I signed him up for puppy classes which starts in 2wks but until then i want to walk him(not on grass/dirt though)...is there a high risk? and if he's not going on walks, how else can i socialize him?

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It's new place and it's scarey... Most dogs are like this. Just associate yourself with good things 
Hold a piece of bacon or an amazon treat to get him out of the crate. Show unconditional love and try to play. Dogs will start becoming close when they realize you are the person who gives them treats and feed them. Give him time he will absolutely love you. Is he biting in a attacking wy or playful? Talk in a higher sweeter voice and anytime he does something like gives you attention or come out of the crate give him a treat. Just give him time and don't force him out of the kennel or pull on him they have great memory and you don't want them to associate you with something scarey. 

good to know. THanks. I'll stop taking him out of his crate except to bring him to potty outside. Just took him out and he potty pretty quickly but no poop yet. In terms of his biting...he does it when i'm doing something he doesn't like...he'll first growl then bite(not hard) and i say ow real loud then i wait to continue doing what i'm doing and sometimes he tries again and sometimes he doesnt. He doesn't seem to care when i say ow though. He's just been laying around sleeping and not...the crate door's open but he has no interested in coming out.

He's a baby who has been taken away from all he knows and put somewhere he has no clue about. Give him time to get adjusted. Feed him, take him out to potty, give him time to get used to things. Leave his collar on. When he finally starts to come out of his crate, let him drag the leash around so he gets used to it. If he won't walk with it outside, pick him up and take him to his potty spot then carry him back inside. Let him rest in his crate with the door open. He'll come out to explore when he feels more comfortable with his new surroundings. Put him by his water dish everytime you take him out to potty. He'll drink when he's ready. Be calm, he can sense your stress and it doesn't help him at all.

i'm def. stressed and i'm trying to stop it but it's quite difficult. He seemed more himself today and wanted to follow me around but he started to whine non stop and turns it into barking every now and then. He's been fed, potty so i don't know why he's whining. I'm not sure if it's because he's by himself now and gets little attentions so he wants more...but even when i go around him, he still whines and he won't play with me or by himself...so i don't know what's wrong

Congrats on getting little Juno! He sounds like quite the handful. My dog can be too, he is so stubborn. He only seems to listen to me when I have a treat now, I try to pretend I have one, but he seems to just know. Its not like I give him one every time either. Anyway...back to your puppy. 

My little Pancake doesn't have much of a biting problem. He likes to put stuff in his mouth but he doesn't bite down. I tell him NO! when he puts bad stuff in his mouth though so I think he is getting the picture there. I'm assuming you are telling him no when he is performing bad behavior but he doesn't seem to care. Perhaps you need to be firmer with him. Letting him know who is in charge. Pancake was going crazy in his crate the other day and I ran in the room with such fury and told him no he just looked at me and put his head down and went to sleep. I have upstairs/downstairs neighbors and can't have them reporting a loud dog. He has been quiet in there the past few days not really making a fuss. He hates his crate unlike Juno. Wish we could trade some of their qualities around sometimes. lol Maybe you could try closing the crate so he can't go in and see how he does. Or move it to another room and see what he does. At least until he gets used to being out and about. Its great he loves his crate so much, but I know you want him to bond and play with you as well. 

Sometimes I feel like Pancake doesn't like me because he won't lay with me and tends to go to the other side of his play area anytime he wants to lay down. I bring him next to me and he will stay for a moment but then walks away. I think he is still getting used to everything. Hopefully ours dogs will warm up to us more once they realize who their new parents are. Keep me posted. :D

The bigger prob. w/ him now is his whining...he won't stop even if i'm around and it gets worst when i'm not around...when i do give him attention he still whines a bit so i don't know what's wrong. I'm starting to give a firm "hey!" when he does it. I've just been ignoring his whining so he doesn't think he's boss and get what he wants when he whines

When you go to get him out of the crate do you bend over or get down to his level???? With pups I have found that bending down(squating) works better than bending over! I think it's scary for a body to come down over them compared to getting down to their level a couple feet away from their cage. My pups get scared and shy away...just a thought. use a fun voice....I always try to sound excited..."here puppy" in a friendly voice.

i think i've done the bending over and i can see how it may scare him.

I have to catch myself as this is so normal BUT I do notice a big difference and I also pet and talk to them a few seconds before picking them up:) Otherwise I think they see it as I am just some person trying to "catch" them.

He is still an infant, so don't focus too much on him taking charge. He sounds scared, I wonder what would happen if you laid on the floor by his kennel and made little chirping noises or just read a book for a while until he calms down. Maybe he will gain confidence if you can get him to make the first move.

I would just give him some more time to adjust. If he wants to sit in his crate, I'd just let him be for the first few days. It's a big scary change for a puppy to go to a new home. I'd keep some super yummy treats handy (chicken, cheese, etc) and if he does venture out near you give him some treats so he associates you with something awesome. Many dogs don't like to be held, so I wouldn't force that on him if he doesn't seem to be enjoying it. I'd also just leave his collar on for now, and let him get used to it before you try the leash.

i'm leaving his collar on now...i try to put the leash on n he refuses...he's started to run on me especially after potty. there seems to be something new that come up everyday. he now likes to bite my slippers and pj pants...n he's getting meaner even if i tell him no. not sure what to do


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