Archie loves to steal the cats food. I've tried putting it up when he's out & putting it back out when he goes to bed, but it's not fair to the cats, I have 3, and they all are hungry at different times. I know cat food isn't good for dogs, and he's only gotten a couple of nibbles each time before I catch him, but I've been racking my brain for a good solution. I never had this issue before with my older dog Caleb. Either he isn't interested in it, or he decided to listen after the first time I saw him look at it and I told him no.... ANY SUGGESTIONS?

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I've started using a spray bottle and squirting him with water when I catch him even going over to my cat's food dish and so far its been working. You could try that and see if there's any improvement. I hope this helps.
I keep the cat food in my laundry room with a short fence in the door. I used to use a board but Izzy is a jumper so had to go to a 2 1/2 foot barrier. The cats easily go over it and their litter is there also.
we have always fed the cats up someplace where the dogs cannot reach. currently our princess is eating on an antique marble top hutch! (my mother will have a fit) our boys are so quick that a spray bottle would be of no use
I can't remember where I saw it, but someone had built a wooden box (made with slats) and a very narrow passage way with food inside for their cats; they actually used it as a weight loss device, because they had several cats, one of which was overweight (the others were not). The overweight cat couldn't fit through the small door, so couldn't get in to access the food, but the thinner cats could make it inside to access the bowl. Then the owner could control the amount of food the overweight cat was eating, while allowing the other cats to free feed as they saw fit.

I don't know how big/small your cats are, but you could try something similar - construct a box, wooden or otherwise, with an entry-way big enough to fit the cats, but too narrow/small for the dog to fit through. Put on a removable lid, or a lid on hinges or something so you can open it to replace food/clean the bowl, etc.

Or something simpler, like food surrounded by a fence as Bev suggests, could also work, lol.
We keep a part of our upstairs baby-gated off and put the cat food on the side of the gate the dogs can't get to. Jack always ignored the cat food (he thought my old cat was Supreme Ruler of the Universe), but when we got Maddie she would sneak upstairs to eat it all the time. The gate works for us, and we bought one of the more expensive ones that has a walk-through part that swings open so we don't have to step over it all the time.
Dawn's son and daughter in law have 3 cats and 2 dogs. They use the baby gate method the same as Beth describes. The cats can still come and go as they please in the room where their food is. And the dogs can't get near it.
I have both the litter box and the cat food on a narrow folding table that i purchased at costco. the cats can jump up and it is just high enough that Quin doesn't even try to put her nose up there, also it is nice because i can store things under the table like the cat and dog food bins. Friends of mine have a cabinet that is specially made for a litter box to go inside with pet doors on either end it keeps the cat box hidden and then you can put the food on top.( google cat box cabinets)
We keep our cat stuff (litter box, food, water and some toys) in our garage. We installed a cat door between the garage and the house. The door is too small for Ashton to fit through though he can pop his head out the door for a peek. Our cats are indoors only so if you head out to the garage they dash back into the house since they are afraid of the big garage door and the possibility of moving cars. The cat door keeps the dogs out of their stuff and it gives them a place to go that is all theirs. Another plus is when cleaning the litter box we can open the main garage door and air the place out! lol
My dad's cat stayed with us for a few weeks last year; so we had to work a system to keep the cat, litter, and food away from Ella. We set up one side of the laundry room as the "cat zone". Luckily there is a built in cabinet and some shelves. Food/water and litter box when on top of the cabinet (just make sure they are back away from an edge and kitty has lots of landing room), and the cat liked to hide in the cabinet and on the shelves, away from Ella. Cats are pretty good jumpers, so they are ok with elevated food.
My Kitty Cole's food is up high in the laundry room on a table and his litter box is underneath it however I can't keep the yucky corgi's from raiding the litter box because Cole is a big boy and Teagen is so little that they fit through the same opening....other yucky habit that my corgi's have is they line up underneath Cole's mouth everytime he starts acting like he's going to puke, just like baby birds do to the mommy bird but on the flip side I don't ever have to pick up cat puke!!!
I feed my cats in my back bathroom by the sink...too many freeloaders here to help eat it anywhere else!


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