A yr ago when i got my carly, i thought that alone was a miracle with my husband . Dogs in the house under feet..were not his thing,  well his heart has changed and were adding # 2 . next week!!

The problems we had with other dogs were all minor but we knew nothing about the crate and its ability to help house train these little fur babies. Im so excited but nervous about what our female will do, she is a strong willed bossy type and hopefully will appreciate having a brother..hahaha

 Like it or not he's almost the plane, and will be entering our lives next Sunday.

Its time to brush up on my training skills and get ready to lose some sleep, if little guy needs to go potty in the middle of the night. Carly was easy to house train but every other  issue has been a struggle she was a mouthy little one and still has to be told repeatedly no teeth.  The obedience has gotten better but still a work in progress, i know having two will complicate it somewhat. The walking on leash has improved as well.. as i said she is a bossy strong willed female and i had to learn that i have to be bossier and stronger willed . haha

i appreciate of of you who have helped me in this learning progress..

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YAY, one is good but two is BETTER.
Congrats! Get ready for a whole new set of challenges.
So exciting!  Congratulations!  My girl was jealous for a few days - didn't like the new addition playing with her toys or getting attention, but now they are the best of buds.  They crate together and everything.  In fact, he cries like a baby if she's not in there with him.  I'm glad my first was well trained and reliable when I got the new addition, because I think he picked up on her cues as far as behavior.  How old is the new one?  Any pictures??  Have you thought about a name?  Good luck on your new adventure!

Carly is 13months old and shes not perfect by any stretch of the imagination..she's well trained in the house, doesnt go potty and does not chew up things that arent hers. .Like i said she is very bossy, and  im hoping with the firm hand we've been having as far as not letting her be the boss , that he will not pick up on any bad behaviors..lol

*im also hoping like yours Ginny, that they become best buds..

just in case i have the extra crate and he will be going with me to work while hes being house trained. This gives them time apart and he will be able to have my undivided attention while were away from her. When we go to the dog park she has to be right next to me if another dog comes over to visit, and wants to be petted and i have to look at her and tell her she wonderful as well.. oh boy!!

As of right now ...His name is going to be Frankie...hes got a blue eye.. Now when i see him in person i may decide it doesnt fit him, but were pretty sure by looking at pics.


I can't wait to see pictures!!
Congratulations! So many owners have 2.

Hahaha! My husband was the same way!

I had begged for months before he broke down and said yes to a dog. That was over a year ago. Now a couple months ago and he was begging me for a puppy! LOL!

Corgis find their way into even the coldest of hearts! ... probably because they are so pushy and don't take no for an answer!

Corgi X 2 = fun X 4
Yes, indeed.  The best part of my day is to watch the corgis play!
Think it is the potatoe chip theory...........just can't have one

Good luck and congrats on a new fur baby!  We have two corgis and I agree one corgi is great, but TWO!  Two corgis are fantastic!!!  I am sure you may have some challenges, but it sounds like you are ready for the challenge.  And Carly will learn too.  Keep us posted and post pics!!!

Our little guy has been here for just over 2 weeks, the older female was from a puppy mill & is so so patient with him- he just loves her to death & follows her pathsways with her through the snow...  As I train him I train her as well- the puppymill took allot out of her but these last couple of weeks I have never seen her happier


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