My wife and I were wondering what the adult weight of a male corgi is. Currently we have a 5 month old male. He weighs 18 pounds.

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Not over 30#'s. 27-30#'s is normal. It does depend on bone structure,height and weight also.
As Jane said it totally depends on the dog. The desired weight according to the akc standard is 27 lbs for a male but there are always going to be bigger and smaller dogs.

Gwynnie is 20#, Al is almost 24#.

Sparky is 11 months old and 26 pounds. I think when he's done filling out he's going to be about 30 pounds.
Frankie is 25 lbs already , and he will be 6moths the end of June, he is going to be larger because his bones are big.
Star is almost 2 years old and weighs 34 lbs. I was worried since a Female shouldn't weigh more than maybe 25 or so. But the vet said that she is not fat and is healthy. Now as for her little brother Titan he only weighs about 27lbs and is a year old.
Waffle's ideal weight is 32.  He is a good deal longer than the average corgi, something like a whole set of hips longer. He's just big.  His brother his big, too.  His other siblings are right-sized though,
teddy is 32.2 pounds  at 1year and 6months but he is solid muscle. we just had a discussion about this:) it really just depends on the build of your corgi. as every dog is different

Well Ein is a little big compared to average Corgi's. Although I found out he is never going to be average. He has topped out at 44 lbs. His average weight seems to fall between 37-40 lbs. He currently is 37. He is not overweight and the vet says he is healthy.



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