Bella may have a blockage:( Update: 4/8/11 and 4/15/11


 I have been dealing with Bella throwing up since last Wed. She has been on shots, food witheld, special food and is pooping some. I finally called the vet today and she will go in for a barium(?) test in the am. She is her usual happy self other than throwing up:(Does anyone have any experience with this???

4/15/11 Update #2: Bella does not have a blockage or pancreatitis! Bella is still throwing up but not too often.More tests which all came back normal and more meds:(

Poor Bella has been quite the mellow patient but I  feel so bad for her. Bella now has her own pharmacy and I actually filled out a med sheet to keep track of all her tummy meds as she has some that tell her brain not to throw up, some to tell her tummy not to throw up,some to coat her tummy and and antibiotic as well as a wormer just in case she has any tummy worms.


4/8/11 Well Bella spent the day at vet (of coarse Jane had to be out of town due to work) . Originally they took an Xray, then did a barium one while DH waited over 90 mn. the vet called and was thinking they would have to do surgery but they were waiting for her food to go through. Took more tests and at that point neither of the 2 vets could not see any blockage and the barium was going through her system. I couldn't pick up Bella and so I called my girlfriend to go get her for me as I just couldn't leave her there:) Bella is on pepcid and zofran for her tummy plus the i/d prescription diet. We're keeping our fingers/paws crossed. PS...Bella was the perfect patient through all of this!!!!!!!!

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So sorry to hear this.  i have no idea unless it is some kind of worms.  I hope it is not something complicated.

Good luck.

I would not recommend doing the barium test right away. No reason to pay the extra expense when a partial blockage would likely show up on an x-ray. Franklin and I are partial blockage pros by now. He has ingested 20 rocks to date, usually in groups of 3 or 4. He has been in 3 times for induced vomiting to get the rocks out, scheduled for 2 endoscopies (luckily only had to have 1) and had countless x-rays. Took me 20 rocks to figure out how/where he was getting them and swallowing them, so we are experts on the blockage procedures :-) When Franklin had a partial obstruction generally he'd have the same symptoms each time, eating ok, some diarrhea but overall usually ok stool, and vomiting about once or twice a day. He would usually vomit in the early am and then seem fine for the rest of the time. Occasionally he would become lethargic for a bit or have more soft stool than other times. He would go through cycles of vomiting 2 or 3 times one day, be fine for a few days, then repeat. Again, I suggest just going ahead and doing a single x-ray and see if they can't spot anything before jumping straight to a barium study (expensive and seems more traumatic than just a regular x-ray).
Thanks Melissa...great vet is very frugal and doesn't like to do anymore than needed so I will suggest:) I am just worried because she is fine right now and want to check things out before it turns into an emergancy!!!!
very good idea. Always better to catch anything in the tummy rather than have it go into the intestines and get stuck! Symptoms sound pretty similar to a partial obstruction though and a lot can be learned from just a plain old x-ray.
Oh no, just want to say I hope she gets better.
Good luck Jane, it sounds like it is not out of control yet since she is showing no pain. Hope she will be OK.

good luck at the vets and I hope Miss Bella feels better soon!

Poor Bella!  I have no experience with this, but I hope you get to the root of the problem and it's nothing major.
Well, right now she has kept 3 mini meals down...if she poops I'm going to delay it to see if things are finally getting better:)
one thing to remember, is with less food there is less poop. You had said in the original post that she had food withheld so that may be the reason for decreased poop. I would still be worried about the intermittent vomiting though if that does continue.
feel better Bella!!
Hi Jane, I'm sorry to hear about Bella not feeling 100%! You know, Bailey had a similar thing happen a few years back. She would throw up (at least once a day for about a week) and I couldn't figure out why or what from. I took her to the vet and they did blood work on her and if memory serves, she had some kind of a stomach bug. (not a parasite) I believe they gave her Flagyl (spelling?) and that seemed to work and she was much better about a few days of being on the medication. (this was almost 4 years ago so I'm trying to remember exactly) But we didn't give her shots and they didn't do any other tests on her. I know they took a stool sample as well, but that came up fine.
I don't know if this helps and I don't know how long you've been going to this vet, but don't hesitate to get a second opinion. :) Hope Bella feels better very soon!

(I suggest a second opinion because I had moved (this was a while back in CA) and found a new vet closer to me....Bailey got a little bump on her shoulder and I took her in and this vet wanted to run every test in the book on her and told me it could be cancer...I freaked out and my gut was telling me it wasn't right, so I took her back to her old vet (who I trusted and loved...was just an hour away) and he felt it, told me it was a cyst and gave her an antibiotic! That cyst was gone within a couple of weeks and I didn't have to put Bailey through anything unnecessary or myself for that matter!)


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