Do your dogs lay on their backs with all legs spread to sleep?

Bandit looks like someone dropped him on the bed and he splatted. I noticed and my daughter says he hogs the bed. Is this a trait?

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Orion definitely lays on his back, not really with his legs all spread out but he sleeps in his crate.

Look at mine :)
Søren's legs are usually more together, but he definitely splats on his back.

OMG that's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!
I think it's one of a Corgis more charming traits. I had one Corgi that was a back sleeper and another that wasn't. Gromit is a back sleep and it makes it just a bit more fun to own him.

We always say that it looks like someone gassed the house because the corgis and our two cats all seem to sleep in these sprawled out positions. Yet another reason to be a corgi person!
this is such a charm about corgis:) teddy always sleeps on his back with his feet spread out lol these are when he was younger

Pups start this early! Here is a 4 day old! My 2 week olds have been laying on their backs for over a week also!

and so it begins...
Frosty usually props up against the couch, but if couch is not available, then he'll sleep totally on his back.

I think you have your answer lol

Though Charlie doesn't do this... it confuses me... He's odd for a corgi sometimes.

Definitely a corgi trait...don't mine the mess in the background--we are redoing the house...
but Seanna sleeps like this all the time, and sleeps so hard that you can't move her. I have to pick her up like a baby and move her over...


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