Please keep fingers crossed that all is okay with my best buddy. Last year at this time she was Dx'd with lymphoma and we did a course of chemo, which was successful and gave us a great year with her feeling great and energetic. However, I recently felt something I hadn't noticed before under her chin and am worried that it might have come back. We have an appt. with the vet Wed. I should be grateful that we had an extra year of fun with her but I'm still not ready to let her go. Of course, when the time comes, I'll help her go if she's in pain, but I hope that's not going to happen yet. Healing thoughts please!

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I'm so sorry to hear this!  Hoping it's not a recurrence or that if it is, she can tolerate another round of successful treatment. It's always so hard.  

Hoping for the best! Hugs!

I am so sorry!  Many many prayers that if it is back that another round of chemo will be successful.

We are never ready, but lets hope you don't have to be.  Healing thoughts being sent your way!

Chris....sending lots of prayers with you and your girl for tomorrow!  Max has lymphoma also.  Please let us know how she is.

Healing thoughts for both of you!

Well, the lymphoma is back. Sophie is still feeling great, so we will try a second, but less intensive, round of chemo --- as long as she can tolerate it well. We won't just do chemo to keep her alive longer, but if she can still enjoy life --- eating, walks and belly rubs --- we will try what we can. I know the end will come but I'm just not ready for that yet and I don't think Sophie is either. The vet predicted about 6 months or so, given her nearly one year remission the last time.

Thank you to all who sent good wishes and we hope everyone enjoys their winter holidays.

prayers for sophie.... thinking of you both

Chris....I am so sorry!  Do what you can and enjoy your girl as long as you can. Many prayers and good thoughts for you and Sophie.

I don't think our vet expected Max to make it past 2 months.  He is 13 and also has DM so we choose to treat him only with prednisone to shrink the tumors.  He is now at 3 months and still taking the prednisone.  The tumors shrunk a lot when he first started on the meds, they have enlarged a bit since but they appear static at this point.  So while you do have to be realistic you also need to be optimistic.  Max is alert, happy and engaged tho the DM is progressing.  I'm not giving up until he tells me it's time.

How old is your little girl?  Any chance you were at the Wisconsin picnic with her?    The best to both of you and I'm hopeful you have a lot of time yet to be together.  Positive thoughts for her .............

Sophie is 11 as of today. What a crappy birthday gift for her.

We were not at the picnic this year, but were last year and the year before that. She was just finishing with chemo this year and the vet didn't want her to overdo it or be exposed to so many dogs who may have had some illness or another. 

She is bemoaning the fact that she is not getting Packers touchdown cheese (a tradition in our house) right now.

Thanks for the positive thoughts.

I can understand your vet's concerns.  There were a number of canine viruses going around in various dog parks in the Midwest.  I don't think they had any at the Wisconsin Dog Park, but better safe considering what she is dealing with right now.  Give Sophie a hug for me to wish her a Happy Birthday.


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