There's been lots of talking on here lately referencing  corgis acting cat-like? How does your corgi act like a cat?

Mine use their paws to grab and hold things and they throw mice(or toys) in the air when playing with them!

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I do think Corgis are very cat like. They hold things in their paws, they lick their feet when they come in with wet feet, and enjoy climbing on the backs of furniture. Buffy would bite her nails like a cat and loved taking turns washing Spud's face and having him wash hers. (rip-Buffy and Spud) They also wash each other's ears occasionally. There is an element of "what's in it for me" in their attitudes too.
I do wonder about that sometimes too! In addition to the things mentioned here, Yoda would lick his paw and wipe his face like a cat!
I always thought my corgi thought she was a cat because she lives with three of them! But now that I see the mentions, my corgi does hold bones in her paws to chew them, she licks her paw and wipes her face, and she chews on her nails. However, when she plays with something, like a toy or a sock, she usually whips around her head to thrash the offending toy/sock around more so than tossing them around like a mouse.
Both of our boys do these same things. Tenby played constantly with our big siamese and developed a cat like meow voice when they would wrestle.
After rearranging furniture in our living room, which now puts the couch in front of the two windows, I saw Lance walking the ledge of the couch, from window to window when he saw something outside!!!! I was very surpised with the balance he had, although, it made me nervous so now I keep the couch as close to the wall as I can.
Callie acts like a cat. Our cat sammy does the waving thing to us just like the video I recently put up of Callie. She also swats at the cats like they swat at her, only her legs are too short to actually hit them. It is funny funny to watch. Then there is the toy throwing and wanting to sit on the top ledge of the couch. She also lays on her back and swats toys around like our cat. Her and Sammy are so much a like it's kind of creepy... if only he actually liked her. He loved my last dog, but can't stand Callie even though they act the same.
Aber tucks his front paws under his chest, just like a cat. It looks really uncomfortable, since he's got those little stumpy front legs, but he does it quite a lot.
This is so funny! Our 3 do the same things. Our mix, Ollie curls up to sleep like a cat and arches his back when you pet him just like a cat. We have always jokingly said he is half cat because he's a rescue and we don't know his history.
I thought it was because he lives with cats. Basil does all of the above, but he also leaps around...from sofa to chair, from footstool to sofa...just like a cat. With those short legs you wouldn't think he'd get much spring, but he has quite a range.


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