So... I've been training Leena, and I've come to a standstill with getting her to "roll over."  I heard sometimes trying to get long backed dogs to roll over can be a problem.  Any advice?  It's not really essential to me that she can do that, or anything other than sit, down and stay, but it's kinda a fun thing for us to do together.

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Mine both do it and no problems. Sparty is 12 and Izzy is 4. We just went from a Down to helping them roll and they learned quickly. They love learning new things even if it is unintended...
i have tried to teach it to teddy since he was 12 weeks old and i still cant. he just stands up to get the treat every time. i got him to do it once. i hope u have better luck than me, sorry i am not of help
It is fun to do together!!!! Shoot pictures or video for us.    -  A video I posted to youtube last night of her tricks.
Jack hates flipping on his back.   I gave up.  He can shake, wave, speak, for tricks. 
Franklin is still learning to roll over as well. He has many tricks up his sleeve but for whatever reason this one is a hard one for him. I can get him to lay down, flop on his side, then onto his back, but then he stays there and doesn't want to go all the way over. Lately I've been just flopping him over with my hand and hopefully eventually he will catch on! lol. Just do baby steps to first teach it. Start with laying down, then with going over to his side, then over to his back, etc.
I put Shortie in sit>down then used a treat to make her follow with her nose
you bring it around her head while she's lying down and she'll roll over trying to follow the treat
Take's a little manual "rolling" with your other hand at first to get them started.
We finally taught Sidney to roll over, but it wasn't easy! Make sure you practice on carpet or grass, since it's really hard for them to roll over on slick surfaces like tile or hardwood floors. Do like Ivy and Evan said, you do have to roll them yourself for awhile. When they do it, really act it up, lots of praise. Gear them up to succeed!
Twinkie doesn't have very many tricks but this is one of them. We started with down and rolled her over manually. This also lead to "bang your dead" which is a roll-over stuck with legs in the air. Good luck!
We did much as everyone else- started with down, then moved the treat around his nose so he would roll over (its hard to describe- sorry!). It takes a bit of manually pushing them over at first whilst saying the command so they can understand what you're trying to make them do. Sometimes Potus gets 'stuck' on his back, (aka he's too lazy to go all the way) or hell roll on his back and roll back the same way, but after a lot of repetition (I made it 'the' trick for a couple of days- he had to do it to get his treat) he got it. Now he does it when I don't tell him because he thinks he'll get a treat :) Keep perservering- you'll get there!
I agree with Bev and how she did it. We used to do this with Wynn at night before bed and cheerios were his treat. He caught on very fast!


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