As you guys know, Seanna has battled vulvitis for the last 7 months despite us changing her food, antibiotics and such.  Once again, she has a nasty looking vulva.  No struvite crystals in her urine this time, but her urine pH is still high despite the food.  She has an extra fold of tissue around her vulva, making part of it recessed.  The vet thinks it's time to have surgery to fix it so urine doesn't get stuck in there anymore.  Does anyone have experience with this?  I was wondering if I just took her in to the vet twice a month to totally shave her hair off down there and wiping her really good every day would keep her from having to have surgery?

On a good note....she finally met her goal of 23 pounds!!

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Have you asked the Vet his/her opinion about the cleaning?  I would think that, after 7 months of this problem, if the Vet is recommending the surgery then you should follow that advice.  Has she had any previous problems with surgery (medications, anesthesia, etc.?)  If not, then maybe you should go ahead with it and get the problem solved (hopefully permanently?)  I'm so sorry that she's been sick and hopefully you and your Vet are able to get this solved.

So sorry!  Personally I'd probably want a permanent fix unless the pet was high-risk for surgery complications, but I think we all have different philosophies of what is the best approach for our own pets.   Good luck, whatever you decide.
Sorry to hear. :(  I don't have any experience with this type of thing but I would probably go with what the vet recommends since it's been an ongoing issue.

I am sorry to hear Seanna needs surgery.  :(    Congrats on meeting your goal weight Seanna, way to go!!


My friend's french bulldog had this surgery as well as a couple other bull dogs I know. The surgery went well and recovery was similar to a spay even though its a totally different surgery. If you look at things in the long run, doing the surgery will be a lot less stressful and a lot cheaper than taking her in repeatedly to get her shaved and cleaned. Also, shaving can cause a lot of irritation which will be very uncomfortable for Seanna. The best thing I can recommend is do ALL the pre-anesthetic lab panels recommended by your vet. That way they will know ahead of time if Seanna is a surgery risk and you can have peace of mind that she is a good candidate for surgery. Anesthesia is always scary but if you take the proper pre-cautions recommended by your vet (like blood work and IV fluids) the risks are actually very low.
She does OK with the anesthesia.  The only problem she had before her spay was she threw up before they got her intubated, but the vet always gives her medicine before now so that doesn't happen.  I think I am going to just do the surgery after reading you guys' posts.  It would be very irritating to her to shave her all the time, and it has to hurt to pee.  She's already mad at me for having to put a cream on her pe'er twice a day.  And I thought it was bad to catch her to groom her!  I don't know where she's hiding right now.  Treats aren't even working...:-(
Good luck and my sympathy for both of you going through this. I hope the surgery corrects it for once and for all.

Oh, soooo sorry but maybe if this solves the problem it will be worth it. Hugs to Seanna and Jackson from my Corgi crew!

My Sheltie was born with an inverted vulva (had same infection/irritation issues you describe).  We went through that for about 4 years before FINALLY my vet recommended the surgery.  I was glad about a possible fix.  It worked very well for about 2 years after the surgery, and then Abbey started getting infections again.  Not nearly as bad or as frequently as before, but she still has her "issues" down there.  As far as the surgery, I'm glad she had it - it was really just to correct a genetic defect she had....


Hope all goes well with your pup!

How bad was the surgery?  What kind of recovery?  The vet is going to call me tomorrow with more info..price, etc...I just feel bad for her.  It'd have to hurt to pee after surgery...

It's been a few years, but from what I remember, it wasn't bad, in terms of recovery time (I think someone compared it to spaying - that's probably a close comparison).  I think I took her home that same day?  I don't remember any complications at all.  She probably had loss of appetite, etc, for a day or two.  You might have a list of questions ready for the vet (that's what I always have to do for things like this).  Wish I could remember more details for you...



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