Well,  just returned from the vet, and Sparty is on another round of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. His foot is not better and he is so pitiful limping around with his "cone of shame". If this does not improve things, we will have to consider amputating his toe and having it biopsied. Unfortunately it could be cancer. Apparently doing a biopsy on the attached toe would be as bad as amputating so since it is not a weight baring toe it is better to go all the way. That will either tell us whether it is cancer or it will cure the infection. At almost 13 years old he has had more than his share of problems with his bad nails. My vet says it is most likely a genetic defect. Yet another reason to pay more and get a puppy from a reputable breeder. In spite of our bad fortune with Sparty he is still the most interesting and fun dog I have ever had (and I have known many) so I am not sorry but I won't do it again.

1/30th      Another Sparty update. Unfortunately Sparty is not better. The toe is being removed on Wednesday and will be biopsied. Keep us in your positive thoughts! I am trying not to freak out but it is difficult right now. Sparty has been a trouper through this whole thing. The surgery sounds like it won't be easy but we have a great vet so wish us luck!

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Thanks Nancy, unfortunately that is not Sparty's problem. He has very weird toe nails and this one got jammed and then infected. It is hard when they can't tell you how they injured themselves!

Wondering how the guy is doing?  Hoope this set of antibiotics is working for him.  Thinking about him. Vicki and Grace.

It is past time for an update.  Dino is barking at the computer

Sparty is the same. We go back in to the dreaded vet a week from Monday. Keep your paws crossed for us.

Oh, Bev,  I hear you.

I'm so sorry about this uncertainty with Sparty. I know how much you love him and that you'll make the right decision. Thinking all good thoughts for you and Sparty. xoxo Wendy

Oh my Bev, I just read your post about Sparty!! I hope this next round of meds does the trick. My prayers are for Sparty to get through this with all toes intact. Poor little guy.

Thanks everyone, I will keep you posted. Sparty is carrying on as usual although he looks pitiful limping around the house holding his head up to keep the cone from dragging. He loves his walks so much and I have not been able to take him for almost 3 weeks so it is sad seeing his little face in the window when we go. Hopefully things will improve soon.


That made me sad.

Hi Bev, All good wishes to you and Sparty. I know this may sound irresponsible but have you tried removing the cone of shame. Ricky-Rafa was so miserable we took it off to see if he licked his incision. He didn't. Of course we kept an eye on him and would have put it back immediately if he started licking. He never did. It may be a whole different thing when it's a foot. RR's incision was when he was neutered.

Speedy recovery Sparty! xoxo wendy, jack, lucy, ricky-rafa

Oh yes,  the minute the cone comes off he licks his paw. Sometimes the poor guy will sit and lick the inside of the cone just to satisfy his desire to lick it. Sparty is the kid that won't leave the scab alone.

Poor Sparty...hope he's getting better. As for the cone I know how hard it is to leave it on so long. My Aussie had to wear his for over 3 weeks when he was neutered. He was most likely allergic to some cleaner they used plus is a licker and they still talk about how he had the worst post neuter reaction ever.


Does he seem to be doing any better? Take care!

I was the same kind of kid as Sparty!


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