Baron has resolved to stop eating the floor..   lol

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Sparty plans to eat and bark more, Izzy plans to sleep more, and Misty (honorary corgi) plans to catch a squirrel.

Maddie plans to be pretty.

Jack plans on making us realize that we don't play with him enough.

He may also be in the final stages of developing cold fusion.

Sidney has resolved not to mess with perfection :)

Lilliput resolves to get us all shaped up and in our places, once and for all.

Oliver resolves to finally catch that sunbeam.

Yoda resolves to not roll in any poop, and Chewie resolves not eat any poop!

Wynn, Wiley and Teddy= to bark less.

Bella= to have beautiful,healthy new babes.

Tank= not to jump.

Livvy= mind my own business and not the other doggie's.

Sage= to be the best Therapy dog ever:)


Waffle resolves to not freak out when we're at agility and a drop of water falls on his head. 

Leena says she'll stop headbutting papa when he tries to cuddle.  Also, she promises not to wreck every toy this year.

Austin resolves to conquer his tail envy, (or at least not freak out quite so much when a tailed is wagged nearby) and, I hope , he resolves to cuddle just a few minutes more each day.

Ginger resolves to be even more bossy.  l'm hoping to keep her from keeping this resolution :)


Dino said the same thing to be more bossy. And he got a ipaw for Christmas the doggy ipad.

Where did you find that?  Ginger loves to stick her nose on my iPhone when I'm using it.


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