What job would your dog's choose if they could??

I find it interesting how different my dog's interests are. Sparty would have loved being a hearing assistance dog. He loves to bark and always runs back and forth from the door/phone etc to let us know it is ringing or someone is here. Izzy would be the beauty queen at the dog show. She always wants to be the center of attention and loves to be petted or talked to. Misty would have loved to be a search and rescue dog. She loves walking in the woods with her nose to the ground and is the first to see deer, squirrels etc. What would your dog be?

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teddy would be a door greeter, when ever someone comes in he welcomes them with a waging tail and kisses lol that and a play mate for children, he loves kids so much that when he sees a child all he wants to do is go over and say hi and play with them
I love the jobs people are suggesting. Corgis have many skills!
Tom would be a poet--he's very thoughtful and a little histrionic and Pats would be a policeman. the puppy Ben would probably be a philosopher or maybe an incarnation of the Buddha since he's master living totally in the moment.
Tegan would be a professional soccer player. Nothing makes her happier than you kicking the ball and her trying to block it, so I'm pretty sure she'd be a goalie. After retirement from her professional sports career, she'd probably open a restaurant -- food and greeting people & dogs, her other favorite things!
Drain inspector, definitely.
Professional wrestler for Yoda and Chewie, they are always at it.
I think Twinkie would have to be a model. She is so patient and always knows where to look and when to cock her head just so. Okay, maybe a Plus Sized model:)
These are just wonderful...I love this thread!
Ample and beautiful models are in high demand!
Plus size model Lol!!

thats so funny!

Cosmo would be a stock dog and ball retriever all action sports. Luna would be a stay at home Mom loves puppies and being a mentor and some way to get food a beggar or a chef so she can make her own!. Razzo the baby! Definitely an orator or a Lawyer he always has a vocal answer for food,being scolded any reason to talk back or maybe that's just a dog teenager!


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