What makes your dog decide who it wants to play/be friends with????

As I watch the dynamics of my crew I question why some like to play with all and others have their "favorites". My Livvy tends to sit back and make sure another dog is safe to play with and once she decides she's off and running full blast! Livvy doesn't like all dogs. Wynn loves to play but is more selective and will also be the first to console another dog if it's hurt(literally will go lay near it). Is this because his intuition is strong and he knows the dog is hurting? Rainy, Bella and Wiley don't care who they play with usually! Has anyone else ever thought of this and why it might be??? Is it their personalities?

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Well, when we got Jack we explained to the breeder that we live by a busy park and meet lots of dogs and people every day. She picked out a happy-go-lucky puppy for us, and he likes everyone. He plays with the bouncy ones and lies down for the timid ones. Other dogs love Jack, and there is nothing that gives me more joy than watching him do his thing with fearful dogs. We met a huge German Shepherd who would lean in, sniff, wag submissively, jump back a little, then come in again... Jack started out sniffing privates, kept his ears mostly back to show he meant no harm, laid down patiently whenever she backed up, and after a couple minutes she was wagging and sniffing and relaxed as could be.

So in his case, it's both his personality and the fact that he met TONS of dogs as a puppy and learned how to adjust his behavior to that of other dogs. The only dogs he avoids are a small handful who are dominant-aggressive; he will plant his feet and not go within 20 yards of them if he can help it.

Madison gets a bit too excited and sometimes will charge right up to other dogs and shout "harf! harf! harf!" in their faces, which does not endear her to everyone. Usually though if we have her hold back til the initial excitement is over then let her approach, she is fine. And that is only on-leash; off-leash she is usually good with everyone.
Too funny. Casey does what Madison does as well, and has caused multiple dogs in our neighbourhood to have a strong aversion to her. Our neighbour in particular has a 9 year old Akita who is just not interested in the total SPAZ that is Casey, and Casey is just SO EXCITED to see her every time they're outside. She lunges like crazy to get over to the Akita and then is all over her face licking her lips and freaking out, and the Akita is just like "get outa my face!" She snaps at Casey every time we walk past, but for whatever reason Casey cannot seem to figure out that the Akita is just not into her and that it's best to stay away.
Ha! Aren't they funny! At least Madison is fairly submissive and she will back off if the other dog is giving her the evil eye. We met a beagle who was a little funny the other day, and Maddie barged up and shouted "hi hi hi!" in his face, and Mr. Beagle curled one lip at her and then Maddie was behind my husband's leg. The beagle REALLY liked Jack, though--- maybe too much (he started trying to lick Jack in an area that Jack wasn't so sure about) and after everyone calmed down and Maddie settled, she was able to meet Mr. Beagle on calmer terms. We are working on calming down Madison's approach with positive measures. :-) She's, as you say of Casey, a bit of a spaz. She harfs in Jack's face at home when she gets excited, too, but he either doesn't mind or at least tolerates it.
I think it has to do with some rank within your pack and their personalities just like people. Some like to do it all...as long as they are part of the fun..others aren't much for wrestling, they are just to mature and dignified for that. They each have a unique personality like we all do. There are times one is out there in the ruckus of all of it and the next wants nothing to do with it. Kinda my personality. LOL I have some that are more aggressive wrestlers or ball chasers and others that just like to bark at the others like they are part of the fun but really don't get in there. It's amazing how they are all different.
I agree. Bear is my wrestler and Goldy is my referee (standing on the outskirts and telling - barking - everyone what to do.
The different personalities always amuse and amaze me. Mine are all different and approach everything in their own way. Sparty teaches everyone how to play fetch and Izzy figures you would not have thrown it away if you wanted it. Misty takes it and leaves with it. If you are hurt or unhappy Sparty is your best friend but otherwise he is not terribly cuddley while Izzy is only interested in you petting her. With other dogs Sparty is very calm and greets differently depending on the dog, Izzy is a little nervous and apt to roll over, while Misty is way too excited to meet other dogs while leashed. If the other dog does not have good manners, Sparty will not hesitate to correct them with a growl.
I think most of it has to do with socialization and the rest of it is their personality. I socialized Pooh and Copper greatly and the only problem with that is that they think and thought everyone wants to be friends. Pooh was more selective though. Sometimes there were dogs he loved right away and other times, he was distant. Copper on the other hand loves EVERYONE and thinks EVERYONE wants to be his friend. My mom's female Chihuahua hates him and Copper still tries to be her friend lol. IT worries me sometimes that he might meet a dog that doesn't want to be his friend and it could be bad. For the most part, I do think he would be able to take of himself as he is a strong little guy. Pooh was much more bullheaded and he once fought a pit bull mastiff because he thought the dog hurt me. This dog's head was the size of Pooh. He didn't care and how he didn't end up dead that day and he held his own, I'll never know.
Adora though not yet 5 months has a remarkable personality and manners, when desiding play and be friends with. We have been talking her to the dog park for about a month now. She loves every one, though when she runs up to a pack of dogs to play she always has to sniff the biggest dog, unless there is one of her buddys there. She always wants to play with the biggest dog around, it has even gone as far as playing chase me between a 3 year old mastiff and a 4 month old corgi, cutest thing ever wish i had my camera, they even took turns chaseing each other. At first i noticed adora ignored small dogs and puppies(probably becuase she was use to the large dogs of family members), but that started changing after 2 visits to the dog park. She is so sweet and will play with any dog, any size, any breed. For the most part i was scared becuase she always ran up full blast and started bouncing and being hyper. When one visit she troted toward one dog a little unsure then came to a dead stop, but her stump and but were still wiggling . The dog then approched her and sniffed her and started to play with her. While they played the owner said that she was so shocked that her dog was playing with mine because hers was scared of little dogs and normaly would start barking and standing his ground. She has been a social dream. Going up slow or waiting for the dog to approch her when they are nervouse, scared or don't like small dogs. But yet goes full blast at the playfull ones. Takes a load of worries off my mind when at the dog park.

I think it is in there personalities, though how one dog is raised during puppy stage (by mom, breeding and owner) does slightly affect there personality/manners.
Chepstow will go and play with anyone, he doesn't know a stranger. He is sure that every person and dog in the world is just waiting to pet or play with him. Tenby on the other hand has a small (but growing) group of humans he likes and trusts and does not play well with others, except Chespstow and other corgi's. Tenby seems to know other corgi's it is really odd. Does anyone else have a corgi that will only play well with other corgi's?


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