Rescued Corgis!


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Where did you get your Corgi?

Started by Zed. Last reply by Ben, Angelique, and Buddy Jan 21, 2013. 32 Replies

Collar or harness when walking?

Started by Shasta Allen. Last reply by Stephanie Starkey Jul 29, 2011. 3 Replies

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Comment by Wendy Hixson on May 29, 2009 at 3:30pm
Deidra: we have a 9 y/o foster with horrible teeth and the vet told us the best thing for him (he is missing teeth too) was to be chewing on rawhides...there are even special ones for teeth cleaning...I will have to ask again what the name of them is...but regualr rawhides are good.

We have 5 dogs, Colbert doesn't have enough interest in chews to stay on one long, but we always make sure that there are plenty out so as to prevent fighting over them. We also get the large knotted bones that take a wihle to get demolished. This might help your two. Also, I don't know what the excercise routine is at your house, bu Emma might not go so ravenously after them with some good long walks or fetch sessions in her.
Comment by Kristen on May 29, 2009 at 2:19pm
Nancy's comments are excellent. Corgi Aid is a good option. If they know it could result in a decsion to give up your rescue it becomes a bigger priority. Good luck to you. Even though it has just been a short time with Emma it would be tough on her to make another transition. My husband was laid off three weeks ago so I understand how difficult it can be. All the best.
Comment by Nancy on May 29, 2009 at 11:06am
Deidra: Thanks for the update on Paco and Emma. Too bad about the job loss
but here's a few avenues to try. First, see if your Vet won't work with you. Many will do a payment plan or even discounted services for rescue's. Check with
the shelter to see if they work with Vets who do. Check a group called CorgiAid.
They often offer assistance with rescued corgi's. web site
Good luck and please keep us posted.
Comment by Deidra on May 29, 2009 at 10:31am
Thanks everyone for the encouragement and advice.

Here's an update: Paco and Erma have worked out many of their arguments. They still have a few spats when they are more focused on one of us instead of each other then end up in the same spot and realize they don't care to be that close to each other. We are being careful to make sure both dogs get about equal attention and of course treats. The most tricky has been the rawhide bones. Erma demolished hers in the first few hours but Paco likes to play with his a few days before he devours it. Well, in that time Erma likes to sneak off with his bone if it's not put away. Paco won't eat his if he's isolated in his kennel or in another room and I don't want to lock Erma into the kennel or other room just so Paco can decide if he wants to eat his rawhide. I think we'll end up letting Erma have all the rawhides and find a different chewy that Paco will eat right away. He needs something to chew to keep the plaque down since he's being sooooo resistant to getting his teeth brushed.

We've worked on socializing Erma this last week. She went to the dog park and had no incidents with other dogs. And, we had a party at our house and let our friends meet Erma. She eventually allowed some of them to touch her on her back in passing and of course let them feed her from their hand. It went pretty well. She doesn't shy from strangers on walks too much either. I think she's coming around nicely.

On a sadder note, my fiance just lost his job and we're not sure if we'll be able to get Erma the dental care she definitely needs. The people we got her from let us know that she had bad teeth and terrible breathe for a while. Once she gained more confidence in me I took a look in her mouth and found that she has several missing teeth, most of them are pretty worn down or maybe broken, and her molars are gray and full of caries. She only shows minor discomfort when I feel around her mouth and she has no hesitation when it comes to eating dry food or rawhides or chasing her ball. I think she's been living with tooth aches for quite a while. I think part of her hesitancy with people touching her head has to do with her dental problems. Cross your fingers for us that my fiance gets a new job soon so we can get her to the vet and get this taken care of. If he doesn't have a job in 3 weeks we'll have to surrender her so she can get the medical care she'll need. I wish I could find a vet that would allow us to make payments. We really don't want to have to give her up but we'll do what's best for Erma when it comes time.
Comment by Wendy Hixson on May 27, 2009 at 2:46pm

Yes just as nancy said give your new dog a few days to acclimate. New smells, people, dogs, transportation, places, you name it your dog has been running around for as long as it has been in a shelter or a rescue organization.

I just transported an ACD from NC to NH with me this past weekend. This weekend was trying for the new foster mom.

Make sure the new dog gets all the attention it needs, but do things with them together, you now have a pack believe it or not. take them for a walk together, feed them together, treat one treat the other. Always make sure treatment is equal.

She is still learning the routines at your house and how you all move and interact with each other.

Our Corgi was feral and beaten, we still sometimes have to chase him around the house to get a leash and collar on him. We've had him for 2 years and got him at 5 months.

Just be patient and give her Emma time. Do you know any of her history?

As for playing, our current foster was an only dog and is just now at 9 learning how to play with our pack. it is crazy what people do and do not teach their dogs. He didn't even know how to sit on command.
Comment by Nancy on May 27, 2009 at 8:05am
Google Corgi Rescue/Ohio....
several sites pop up
Comment by Sarah on May 26, 2009 at 10:01pm
I am looking to adopt a rescued corgi in the western Ohio area. Can anyone help me?
Comment by nancy zeiher on May 20, 2009 at 2:30am
its only been 2 days and she is getting a lot of stimulus in that short peroid of time. Be Patient, Paco needs to learn he can share but you also need to make sure he doesnt retaliate against emma if you show her affection over him. You have a very complicated situation especially with an 8 yr old. my advise would be find someone local to work with. observe their classes and techniques first, the wrong techniques could send this girl over the edge and make her unrecoverable but the right techniques should help bring her out. If you have a local rescue they may have someone in mind already that works with this type situation.
Comment by Nancy on May 19, 2009 at 8:15pm
Sounds as if she has some terrible issues but it's only been 2 days. Try a
trainer/behaviorist. And if you must surrender, find a corgi rescue... these
people know Corgi's best. Have you tried Corgi-L?
Comment by Deidra on May 19, 2009 at 12:42pm
Everyone here has been through the process of making a rescued corgi comfortable in their new homes including myself. When the corgi is the only dog around it's pretty easy to focus on just that one dog. The problem I'm having is that my fiance and I just picked up another corgi (8yrs). She is severely timid and volatile when uncomfortable. I know she's only had her home for 2 days but we're having a hard time getting her to trust us. She's been getting lots of praise and treats to let us pet her and put the leash back on. I think she's starting to catch on to the sit command again. This should help.

Let me explain her actions: As I said, Erma is timid. She gladly takes food from your extended hand or if you place it anywhere near or on your person as long as you don't try to touch her while you give her the food. Otherwise she moves away from your reach and will stand behind something and peer around the corner at you. When you get her to finally trust you enough to place a hand on her she will lie down so that her face is buried in the floor and pointed away from you. Her whole body feels rigid. If she is startled she will run and hide and sometimes will pee. Once on the leash she is very grateful to be going outside and will let you pet her a lot. She's really good on the leash but pulls a little to get to things she wants to investigate.

Our other dog, Paco (6yrs), wants to play with her but she isn't quite interested in that yet. Anything he does she watches him. If he yipes for attention or because he is overacting when we put his harness on she runs for cover and won't come near without lots of treats over about a half hour. When on walks together or just hanging out outside they're great together and are quick to alert each other when they found something interesting. Inside, Paco has a tendency of being jealous if we pet Erma and he's near. We try to call her and make her feel wanted and but Paco cuts her off and warns her away. When we command Paco to go away or to leave her alone Erma gets afraid and avoids us again.
They've had one big blow out over the attention of my fiance so far.

I'm worried that she won't come around and the two won't ever get along. I feel like we're in a vicious loop of failed training attempts already.

Sorry about the long message, but has anyone overcome these types of problems and what kind of advice do you have?

I like the dog and don't want to have to take her to the humane society (that's where she was going if we didn't take her).

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