
'Talking' Corgis

For all of our Corgi's who are telling us all sorts of things.... (but we just can't make out exactly what... ?!!? LOL) This group is for YOU!

Location: If I could make out what my Corgi was 'saying' I would tell you! LOL
Members: 60
Latest Activity: Dec 31, 2013

Discussion Forum

What types of tricks have you taught your corgis?

Started by Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon May 21, 2013. 0 Replies

Mine do pretty much the standard tricks. Once you have more than two corgis the individualized attention is a bit harder to make time for, so my poor Koda really only knows how to sit, lol!Bandit can…Continue

Tags: funny, fun, training, Tricks

About Rowdy

Started by Ana Cervantes. Last reply by Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon May 12, 2010. 1 Reply

I'm so sorry Shannon about your loss, some times like in children, they could be an extrange immune delay response to it, I have heard of some vaccines in humans doing that, I know it doesn't make…Continue

When does your corgi talk the most?

Started by Jane Christensen. Last reply by Diane&Dakota May 10, 2010. 9 Replies

My Wynn always says" good morning" and will talk very politely while sitting next to me if I'm eating on the couch! Wynn knows better than to bark so we just talk back and forth and if he's…Continue

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Comment by Ana Cervantes on October 5, 2009 at 4:16pm
One of my boys, Twister will stretch out of his crate every morning with a complaint/good morning/ what's for breakfast kind of houl, also he still does the puppy "piggie noises" like Izzy.
Comment by Bev Levy on October 5, 2009 at 3:20pm
We have musical beds too! They all want whatever the other one has too. We have a doberman too and she is part of the circle of want! Sparty is really the top dog and everyone wants to sleep in his bed. I always make Izzy get out and get in her own. It never lasts long though because they always end up in bed with us. It is funny when Misty the dobe gets in Sparty's bed, she is a little too large.
Comment by Derek on October 5, 2009 at 3:04pm
Miranda was sort of in the same boat, but backwards. She LOVES her baby bed even though she is too big to really sleep in it correctly. She always rolls out of it. But Morgan moved in and he sleeps in it every night. Miranda has taken to sleeping under our bed now. I am not sure if she is sad, but she now refuses to sleep in her baby bed. So she has no bed really and he has 2 beds and a crate. She just seems annoyed with him at times, and so she just sleeps under the bed.
Comment by Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon on October 5, 2009 at 2:53pm
Derek... LOL
Morgan and Rowdy would make best friends fast. Rowdy always has to have something if Gidget shows any interest. We had a bed that Rowdy NEVER slept in and avoided like the plague... then Gidget came along and likes the bed... he will lay with his butt in it and the rest of his body stretched out on the floor just to say it is HIS bed! ha ha, there is a picture in my photo albums of him 'laying' in the bed (laying=showing everyone who really 'owns' the bed)
Silly dogs!
Comment by Derek on October 5, 2009 at 2:45pm
Morgan gives the most pathetic cries when Miranda has something he wants. He could have every cookie in the house next to him. If she has one, it is the one he wants. And he will lie down and roll on his back next to her and make sounds and beg and he will kiss her face and her ears. Until he steals the cooky, then there is a cocky silence with a background of chewing.
Comment by Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon on October 5, 2009 at 2:41pm
Izzy has little 'piggie' noises?! lol that is too funny. Rowdy does something like that too. I really need to spend some time doing video in the next few days to get Rowdy's 'conversations'. Sometimes he sounds like he is imitating the tone in our voices... LOL
Comment by Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon on October 5, 2009 at 2:36pm
LOL, that is so funny, 'serenading' at 6am! I havent had that problem thankfully! Rowdy was an incessant barker before I got Gidget, she has tamed him a lot. He usually doesnt bark too much anymore unless he is riled up or wants to play with the elusive cats. Maybe he is trying to express himself differently now that he has a female Doggie taming his wild side! LOL
He is only a little over 4 months old, but has a very distinct personality. He has so many funny quirks, his talking has got to take the cake... it really tries hard like he is trying to talk like us... LOL
Comment by Derek on October 5, 2009 at 9:08am
Miranda is my Cardi and she is very quiet. Morgan our corgi mutt is young and a terror. He talks all the time. It took a while to teach him not to seranade us at 6 am. So now he just does it during the day.
Comment by Bev Levy on October 5, 2009 at 7:39am
Sparty barks (loudly) his HELLOS! It has not been something we have been successful at stopping. I finally gave up, he is ten, and just get him to sit on the steps so he is not all over any visitors. Izzy is quiet but makes little piggy noises when my husband plays with her. I think all corgis are a little vocal in their own ways.
Comment by Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon on October 5, 2009 at 2:44am
I am going to have to get a video and post it of my 'talker' Rowdy. I swear he thinks he is human. When we talk to him he tries to talk back. It is not barking (well, some of the time it is)... but he kind of makes these funny noises like he is really trying to talk, a combination of whining noises in different tones and expressions. It is HILARIOUS!! He does it anytime we give him one on one attention. Our Gidget, on the other hand, seems to be a mute... LOL. She will only bark if she is alerting us of something or sees something interesting.

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