Charlee & Ally
  • Female
  • Ventura, CA
  • United States
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Charlee & Ally's Friends

  • Angelo Sta Catalina
  • Anya Q.
  • Denis J.
  • Andrea
  • Abbey & Anne
  • Bogart the Cardigan
  • Lobo and Cadence
  • Kimberly Green
  • Ciara & Macy
  • Orange corgi mum
  • Lois B. Allen
  • Anna Raymond     nickname Bunny

Charlee & Ally's Discussions

Traveling, Need Advice

Started this discussion. Last reply by Charlee & Ally Apr 6, 2015. 4 Replies

I have the opportunity to go to China, and I have decided to accept it. I'll be gone for 3 weeks in July. I'm 18 (I'll be 19 this May)  and live with my mother. My boyfriend also lives with me. My…Continue

Tags: Travel, Flying

How does your Corgi sleep?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Amy and Marlee Oct 22, 2014. 10 Replies

I don't know about other corgis, but Charlee is definitely the type to sleep on her back 80% of the time. The other 20% she's finding the smallest cranny or nook to sleep in. Most of the time she's…Continue

Tags: sleeping


Started this discussion. Last reply by Anna Morelli Feb 28, 2014. 1 Reply

Hey everyone I'm going to California this summer to visit my sister. Wanting to take Charlee along, but not sure how she will do. It will be mine and her first time on a plane. She will be 2 years…Continue

Stuffed Animal Surgery

Started this discussion. Last reply by Autumn and Jonathan Oct 15, 2014. 22 Replies

Corgis not only collect stuffed animals, they also kill and disembowel them. Corgi owners must either replace them frequently or re-stuff and stitch. Corgis enjoy the ritual of a stuffed animal…Continue

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Keep Calm and Hug a Corgi

Profile Information

About Me:
Hi fellow Corgi Owners! I'm a Visual Arts/Journalism Graduate from Woodland High School. I've lived in Georgia up until August 2015 when I moved to Texas. I'm currently living in California, ha I guess you could say I'm running from Winter. I have one Corgi, but my boyfriend and I are looking forward to at least one more. But thats what most Corgi owners say, "One MOre". I have many hobbies like; painting, photography, editing photos, reading, diy projects, camera collecting, video games, antique shopping, traveling, and ofcourse spoiling my Corgi.
I have many obsessions including; Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Monty Python, Mumford and Sons, The Beatles, coffee, tea, singing in the car, you know the usual.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a dog that burps....
She's only lady like...never.
My boyfriends calls her his Corgi Princess.
She's my Punk.
She Skypes.
She loves sand.
Cotton squeaky toys, well the cotton and the squeaky parts.
Her Birthday is 9/15/12
When she's shaved, she has a mohawk down her back.
She doesn't like Shadowmere from Skyrim.
She barks when I say, "Are you ready?"
I have:

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Charlee & Ally's Blog

Busy Bees

Posted on October 14, 2015 at 5:07pm 1 Comment

I am now aware of what a suitcase is, because my mom packed 2 of them in July and she didn't come back for awhile. But don't be sad, because I was able to Skype with her while she was gone to a place called China. She kept telling me she was coming home, but it took forever, or at least it seemed like forever. She's back and I'm happier than ever, because my daddy is back too. Yeah, he left for 3 months to Basic at Fort Benning. That was really difficult for mom, but I kept her happy. The 3…


Bombur and Thorin

Posted on March 30, 2015 at 2:06pm 3 Comments

The bunnies are here!!! They're called Netherland Dwarfs. Mom was very slow about the whole introducing thing, but once it happened, I was glued to them. Mom and Dad named them Bombur and Thorin from this movie called "The Hobbit". They come out to play all the time. They dispense these little round things that smell like grass. I tried one without mom looking and they're really good, but mom caught me one day and said I couldn't eat them. It's okay though, I still get to play with the…


Um...Bunny Brothers

Posted on March 30, 2015 at 1:56pm 0 Comments

Mom and dad keeps talking about things called bunnies. I don't know what they are, but they sound like fun. I wonder if they're big like me or small like those things I chase in the yard.. the ones with the big fluffy tail that climb up trees. With me utterly concerned and confused, mom and dad took me to the petsupermarket to see these so called fluff balls..... Oh my gosh the fluff balls are so cute. But not as cute as me. I wanted to play with them, but they were in these tall cages. I…


I Have A Father!!

Posted on March 30, 2015 at 1:44pm 1 Comment

So mom has been dating this really nice guy for 7 months now and he's amazing at belly rubs. He sneaks me table scraps but mom gets onto him. At least I'm not getting in trouble. He calls me his princess and tells me I'm pretty, gorgeous, and beautiful. He loves playing fetch too! Sometimes I don't go get the stick and he fetches it for me. Overall, he's an awesome dad. I'm glad mom finally found someone for me. And for her. 

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At 10:58am on May 24, 2014, WhiteDove said…
Pupsters on the Rocks!!!!! photo pupstersnIaa_zps9e694256.jpg
At 12:53am on January 23, 2014, Geri & Sidney said…

Welcome Ally and Charlee!

At 11:00pm on January 10, 2014, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…

Hello and Welcome!  My daughter is also from the class of 2014 and is also into photography.  Looking forward to seeing pics of your corgi!

At 10:09pm on January 6, 2014, Jane Christensen said…

Welcome! Charlee is beautiful!


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