Started this discussion. Last reply by Judith Andre Jul 31, 2011. 7 Replies 0 Likes
While very possible a similar thread was started before I joined this site, I find it interesting I haven't seen much discussion on the world's most famous corgi owner, Queen Elizabeth! I came across…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by DudeWheresMyCorgi Jun 13, 2011. 4 Replies 0 Likes
Obviously most people on this website are going to pick corgis as the cutest or one of the cutest breeds of dogs. I was curious though what your guys's thoughts were on other breeds. For example, I…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Cecilia & Butters Jun 6, 2011. 13 Replies 0 Likes
Hello all, The subject line pretty much sums it up. I took him in to a pet store today that has a shot clinic and a vet administered dewormer. Sure enough, earlier this evening there was a roundworm…Continue
Posted on March 19, 2012 at 8:54pm 6 Comments 0 Likes
I walked Bartleby to a park today, and there was a ledge maybe 5 feet high between where the grass started (it was on a hill) and where the sidewalk was. Bartleby was walking along the ledge on leash, I was right next to him, and didn't perceive that he'd be dumb enough to jump off the ledge onto the concrete. I was wrong. He ran a little ahead of me and jumped for the sidewalk. He didn't yelp out at all but I made a loud shout in fear he was going to break his bones. Mid-air he seemed to…
ContinuePosted on January 27, 2012 at 9:00pm 8 Comments 0 Likes
I'm worried about my little guy. We came home from our walk and he started panting heavily. I didn't think anything of this at first since it makes sense he'd be overheated from walking. But then He kept following me around and I noticed he's trembling. I took him to the vet about 3 weeks ago to the day for ingesting xylitol. I had taken him to vet, induced vomiting soon after the incident, given him liver pills, and noticed no change in his behavior. The only thing out of the ordinary today…
ContinuePosted on January 7, 2012 at 4:54am 8 Comments 0 Likes
So my little fella decided it would be a fun treat while I was cleaning the bathroom to snack on a pack of gum. Of course it had to have xylitol in it so I induced vomiting and had to take him to the ER. There'll be a pill he has to take and I have to feed him at four hour intervals for the next 12 hours but hopefully the little bugger should be okay. Good thing I caught him pretty quickly afterwards. Apparently dogs can have come serious side effects like a diabetic coma or liver failure.…
ContinuePosted on December 20, 2011 at 2:16am 3 Comments 0 Likes
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awww, love your page, what a cute pirate. :)
He's a cutie, and definitely a mix... but I can't tell what with. Sorry. =/ I'm not great with dog breeds though. He could be part jack russell; it's funny how many different possible outcomes there are with mixed breeds. I know my Lilu is a beagle/corgi mix, but I've never seen another one quite like her.
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