Marah and Thomas Baker's Blog – April 2012 Archive (7)

more training

Bailie is doing great on her training but at the moment she can only do lay down roll over and play dead if we lure her to the floor with a treat. I would like her to do them with a hand signal without having to bend to the floor. Any suggestions?

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on April 20, 2012 at 5:36pm — 3 Comments

teaching beg

I have been trying to teach Bailie beg but she cant seem to get good enough balance....anyone else have this problem

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on April 17, 2012 at 12:02pm — 2 Comments

tricks again....

I have been working with Bailie on 'take it' but I'm having a lot of difficulty. I have tried using multiple toys but I can't seem to get her interested enough and the few times she would take it she drops it as soon as i open my mouth to praise her. Any suggestions?

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on April 15, 2012 at 2:16pm — 2 Comments


Bailie can now sit, speak, kiss, down, leave it, stand, shake, high five, Eskimo kiss, heel, roll over and play dead. I would like to teach her more. Any suggestions?

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on April 12, 2012 at 2:19pm — 4 Comments

obediance training

We start bailie in a training class in a week and a half. She is a generally good dog but she has trouble listening and obeying sometimes and though we have been working with her and really putting in effort, i know we need help. I was just wondering if anyone had any success stories as far as behavioral turn around after obedience training. Thanks!

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on April 5, 2012 at 4:02pm — 2 Comments

tummy issues

Does anyone does corgi seem to have a sensitive stomach? Bailie gets gas easily....

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on April 5, 2012 at 10:47am — 4 Comments

slight aggression problem.

I don't know if its a corgi thing or what but Bailie is't mean but she's not exactly the sweetest thing. She gives love nip but has been getting better about being gentle and giving kisses. The main problems are that she sometimes throws a fit about being held and biting too hard when playing. I'm just asking to see if anyone's got any advice that we can add on to what we're already doing to stop it. Thanks so much!

Added by Marah and Thomas Baker on April 4, 2012 at 1:06pm — 4 Comments

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