June 2016 Blog Posts (10)

How to Avoid Dog Bites

Dogs bite: some 4.7 million times a year, leading 800,000 humans to seek medical attention, of whom 386,000 will need emergency treatment. A third of all homeowner’s liability claims result from dog bites, at an average cost per claim of $32,072. Every year, the insurance industry shells out over a billion dollars for dog-bite claims.

My son, a claims adjuster for a major US insurance company,…


Added by Vicky Hay on June 29, 2016 at 12:41pm — 6 Comments

Happy 11th Birthday Noodles!

Today is Noodles 11th birthday. We had a party for him the other night at the dog park. In the 2nd picture, he's waiting patiently for his Grammy to cut his birthday cake. I can't believe my baby is 11...…


Added by Alison Prasavath on June 26, 2016 at 12:05pm — 7 Comments

What to look out for when looking at corgi puppy?

Dear All.

After a year of researching I am finally ready to get a corgi pup!

I will take my time to search for a good breeder, but in the case I can't find one (I live in Shanghai)

I want to make sure the puppy I get doesn't come from puppy mills & is healthy.

SO I have several questions:

1. Can you share with me your corgi pictures when they are still babies & when they grow up for comparison?

2. How to differentiate a…


Added by Natsuhi Shirosaki on June 21, 2016 at 10:49pm — 10 Comments

Plan to attend the 2016 Wisconsin Corgi Picnic

The annual Corgi Picnic sponsored by the Wisconsin Cheesehead Corgi's .....


Added by Stephanie on June 21, 2016 at 3:22am — No Comments

What's your pup's favorite chew that lasts longer than a sitting?

Hi, everyone!

What's your dog's favorite chew that lasts longer than ten minutes?  So far the best chewing device that lasts the longest in my household are bully sticks (the quality kind, otherwise kinds from brands like Ol' Roy get chewed up in a sitting) and pig skin twists (those seem to last about a day or two).

I have a variety of different flavored Nylabones, but they're not interested in those. 

Any suggestions?  I have a 1.5 year-old and…


Added by Chelsea Meredith on June 15, 2016 at 10:30am — 6 Comments

Hello, everyone! Meet Margo the 6mo-old Cardi!

Hi, friends!  

I want everyone to meet Margo, my new family addition!  She's a 6mo-old black brindle Cardigan Welsh Corgi (from a breeder, held for show but her sister ended up being just a bit better in the show evaluation so she was re-homed).  She's SUPER sweet!  Loves to lick faces and wag her fox tail!

The first few days:

She has only been home for three days, but already her and Gutie (my 1.5 year-old male Pem) zoom and wrestle through the house like they were born…


Added by Chelsea Meredith on June 14, 2016 at 9:00am — 7 Comments


This is maybe a long shot but there was a loose Corgi adult male in SE Iowa City-looks like a Pembroke by the pic and quite a bit of black-he was turned into ICACC for scanning and to find the owner.  BTW-he is fine-just needs his parents. Contact ICACC if he's yours or you know who he belongs to.

Added by Carol on June 6, 2016 at 3:47pm — 4 Comments

Is it necessary to keep dogs on heartworm medication year-long in Wisconsin?

Hi, friends!

I live in Wisconsin at the tippy top right on the peninsula on Lake Superior.  October-March it is below 60 degrees everyday (Dec-Feb it's commonly negative in temperature), but we do get the occasional "heat stroke" in October or March where it spikes to 60, sometimes 80 degrees for a day.  I've had Gutie on heartworm medication every month, but my vet has suggested that Gutie doesn't need it when it gets below 40 degrees.  She suggested that I just administer Pyrantel…


Added by Chelsea Meredith on June 5, 2016 at 9:08am — 8 Comments

Do Cardigans and Pembrokes generally get along?

Hi, friends!

Thank you for helping me with my last blog post!  I'm VERY excited to go visit Margo, a 6 month old Cardigan (held for show by the breeder) next Sunday to see how compatible she is with my little dude Gutie (1.5 year old Pembroke).

Do Cardigans and Pembrokes generally have the same temperaments, exercise requirements, etc?  My guy requires 2 hours of exercise daily, which is NO PROBLEM because I absolutely love to be outdoors and even though I work full-time the…


Added by Chelsea Meredith on June 5, 2016 at 8:41am — 2 Comments

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