October 2015 Blog Posts (6)

Fear Issues

I rescued a corgi/jack Russell mix. I got

Her when she was 7 months old. She

Was rescued from a hording situation.

She had many fears the first one was she was

Afraid of doorways. I was able to get her over that

Fear and many other fears that she has, but notice

That she has a tendency to revert back to her

Fears. I have had her for about 6 months. She does

Not play with balls or with other toys. We do go for

Many walks and hikes in the woods. She is…


Added by Linda on October 29, 2015 at 7:41pm — 8 Comments

4 year old Minnesota Corgi needs a new home.

I was recently contacted from a person who sadly needs to find a new home for her spayed female Corgi. She does not get along well with children or other animals. She sounds like a wonderful companion dog for a older couple who has experience with Corgis and can provide a good home. Please message me and I can give you more info or pass on the contact info to you. The person loves this dog and wants her to have a good life.

Added by Jane Christensen on October 28, 2015 at 8:19am — 2 Comments

Looking for P[embroke rescue dog

I am currently looking for a younger Pembroke rescue dog in the New England area, I have contacted Mayflower, Ohio Valley, Petfinder, (daily)utilizing their search alert, and numerous shelters and rescues. I recently lost my beloved 9yo male pembroke to cancer.

Any suggestions or direction would be greatly appreciated. I would buy a puppy if I could afford one but my dogs medical bills ran into the thousands, so purchasing from a breeder would be difficult.The breeders contacted in…


Added by Tom Maguire on October 25, 2015 at 12:05pm — 3 Comments

Busy Bees

I am now aware of what a suitcase is, because my mom packed 2 of them in July and she didn't come back for awhile. But don't be sad, because I was able to Skype with her while she was gone to a place called China. She kept telling me she was coming home, but it took forever, or at least it seemed like forever. She's back and I'm happier than ever, because my daddy is back too. Yeah, he left for 3 months to Basic at Fort Benning. That was really difficult for mom, but I kept her happy. The 3…


Added by Charlee & Ally on October 14, 2015 at 5:07pm — 1 Comment

Happy Fall!

We are having a much better year this Fall. Happy Fall my corgi friends! I am still in remission and starting to feel like my old self. Watson is doing great in classes, we just have to figure out how to transfer it into the real world. He still just becomes a wiggly, licky, jumper when greeting people. He learns very fast and loves to play fetch. We are enjoying our walks in…


Added by Bev Levy on October 13, 2015 at 2:43pm — 14 Comments

Moving to the city with 3 Corgis

Wynn, Sage and Teddy(my rescue) will be moving to a town of about 26,000 people. They have lived all their lives in the country with wide open spaces to run. Wynn and Sage have experience with city living and Teddy does not. If we don't have a fenced in yard it will be too late to put one up as the ground will be frozen by then. We do have a large outside chain link dog kennel that we can temporarily use also. Many of the houses we are looking at do not have sidewalks...any helpful info or…


Added by Jane Christensen on October 3, 2015 at 10:30am — 10 Comments

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