I am proud to share again more well deserved honors going to my dear friend Theresa Strader and her all volunteer organization. Never missed a beat, still going on rescue missions in various States, while rebuilding the pieces of her personal life after the total loss of their home in the Black Forest fires last June and doing work as a nurse as well.... . Thankfully they don't get many Corgis, but she's had the occasional one. Looking forward to lunch with her soon.…
ContinueAdded by Anna Morelli on November 30, 2013 at 7:29pm — 4 Comments
Off for our morning doggy walk. In the winter, when Arizona is livable, Cassie can easily walk a mile or two. In the summer, we're lucky to make it to the end of the block, even after dark -- and of course I don't ask her to walk on those broiling hot pavements at that time of year.
The Queen of the Universe loves cats. She wants to smooch them all on the nose,…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on November 30, 2013 at 1:00pm — 6 Comments
Good day! I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving.
Just joined your attractive and informative website. My name is Vicky Hay and I live to serve Cassie the Corgi, Queen of the Universe.
Cassie came to me by way of the local Humane Society. Her previous humans had dumped her in the society's pound, complaining that she "barked." Imagine that...a dog that…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on November 29, 2013 at 12:47pm — 13 Comments
On November 17th Ashton celebrated his 5th birthday with a special homemade pup cake, treats, toys and a new Seahawks jersey. Pinoko and Alphonse enjoyed celebrating with their big brother and had themselves a time with the new toys and yummy cake. Where does the time go? It seems like…
ContinueAdded by Gail and Ashton on November 26, 2013 at 7:39pm — 6 Comments
Welcome Justice - now named Copper!
Pictured here is Connie and our newest addition, Justice.
Edited to add we have decided to call him Copper. Connie and Copper sound so good together!
Justice's family had to relocate and were not able to take him along. We've known each other for years so it made sense that Justice would come stay with us. So, the…
ContinueAdded by Geri & Sidney on November 24, 2013 at 7:00pm — 13 Comments
I am getting myself ready before I get a puppy, I'm on a list for a breeder. I have slowly gathered everything I think I'll need, minus food, collar, leash (I want to wait to make sure I get something that fits).
I have seen a lot of people use xpens/playpens for pups when they are younger, for when they can't watch them or if they have to get up and do something, etc. I got a 30" high one to use at home, but my house is pretty much completely carpet! Not good for puppy…
ContinueAdded by Grace on November 24, 2013 at 4:07pm — 5 Comments
Do you really need them?
I mean every dog needs obedience training, but do they need the school? I just feel like I'd be paying hundreds of dollars for them to teach my dog things I could teach them, and even teach some things wrong...
I know how to maintain pack leader/rank. I know all the basic commands they need to know, including when they can bark (want to train my corgi to be a watchdog) and when they can not. Even potty training they would take him outside and I…
ContinueAdded by Kylie Dennison on November 24, 2013 at 1:01pm — 15 Comments
Ok, I'm not getting a corgi just yet but I want to make sure I have everything I need for when I do bring them home.
I still need shampoo but not sure what kind to get, or puppy food/treats that corgis…
ContinueAdded by Kylie Dennison on November 23, 2013 at 12:41am — 23 Comments
Hello everyone. An update on Mac. We are going to go forward with the chemo treatment reffered to as CHOP. Mac deserves a chance to fight this and I am doing everything I can to help him. He gets his first treatment on Monday. I noticed his breathing has become worse and I am just crossing my fingers this works. We weren't able to do any testing because he was already on an oral form of chemo so the test results wouldn't be accurate to judge his stage. By the fact that he has been eating…
ContinueAdded by Krystal Wagner on November 22, 2013 at 5:44pm — 4 Comments
Attention..San Antonio area Corgi owners. Female Corgi at ACS (high kill). She's approx. 8-10 yrs old w/a big scar on her left side, pink toenails. FB link http://ning.it/1caIsWz. Someone has to be looking for her :-(
Added by Stefanie O. on November 22, 2013 at 2:29pm — No Comments
Hi everyone! Me and my fiancé have been wanting/researching/saving up for a corgi for over a year now and were wondering if anyone had experience and can vouch for/refer a breeder to us.
We're looking for a breeder in Utah or surrounding states, preferably close to West Jordan if you know one. We want a fawn or red Pem from a litter that would hopefully be born late spring to mid summer. If you could refer anyone to me or if you yourself breed that'd be much appreciated. Also…
ContinueAdded by Kylie Dennison on November 21, 2013 at 9:01pm — 3 Comments
Hi guys!
Thank you everyone for your advice and suggestions and reality checks for my previous blog post about taking Penny to SF and hotels and service dog issues. Thanks to all the good advice, the trip, as far as Penny is concerned, was a total success!
I'll update with pictures and an update with details of how things went down soon, but just wanted to thank you guys again! Go Corgi Nation!
~Yelitza and Penny
Added by risingeternity on November 19, 2013 at 3:17pm — 1 Comment
Bandit has been home for almost a week so far, and she is doing great! She has only had one accident, when someone new was over and she was very riled up and FRAPing everywhere. She sleeps through the night and is a perfect angel! We are doing really well with Sit and Down, and have started working on Leave It and the Watch Me game. I'm so in love with my little Bandit, and I can tell how much she has grown! Can't wait to see what the next week holds for us.
Added by Marissa, Bandit, and Bacon on November 18, 2013 at 1:01pm — 5 Comments
Once again a vet visit less stress but more work. Boba has an ear infection, his testicles are stuck in his groin and he has a really small umbilical hernia. We have to save $700 to get him fixed and to get the hernia fixed at the same time. The vet is so amused about how flexible his back legs are she keeps saying he needs to compete in the olympics. Other news I Just quit smoking and this is the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. I am constantly going out for jogs to release my…
ContinueAdded by Brittany & Boba on November 18, 2013 at 10:17am — 3 Comments
A little taste of November and quite a nice afternoon.
Dangerous Lighthouse location but a good leash and need to explore we were safe enough.
Added by Denis J. on November 17, 2013 at 8:50pm — 1 Comment
I am supposed to take Teghan to an agility trial tomorrow (just to watch) with my mom, who is running her Corgi, Brolyn. It may not happen though with this bad weather coming in. It's supposed to hit us just as we would be coming home and I'm not thrilled with the idea of driving in the wind or a possible tornado. I also have three girls and being separated from them with the threat of dangerous weather is not appealing either. So we'll wait to see what the weather man says tonight about…
ContinueAdded by Danielle on November 16, 2013 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment
I really intended to keep up with our Lola Bear's progress from the start, but I am admittedly really bad at finding time to sit and type. Bear in mind, that most of this is just a yearly update, but I do have a legitimate question for those who have a multi-corgi home.
In April, Lola had a Grand Mal seizure. That, I believe, was the scariest part of our year thankfully. It seems to have been an isolated event that didn't seem to have any stimuli (no toxins were around and there were…
ContinueAdded by Megan, Lola, & Hank on November 15, 2013 at 11:13pm — 2 Comments
Added by Shannon Lee on November 15, 2013 at 10:37pm — 7 Comments
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