All Blog Posts (7,711)

FDA Warns Dog Owners on Chicken Treats

Chicken jerky treats may have sickened dozens of dogs, federal health officials warned Wednesday despite failing to find any trace of contamination.

The Food and Drug Administration said it's fielded more than 70 complaints, involving more than 95 dogs, from owners who believe their animals fell sick after eating the products, sold variously as chicken tenders, strips or treats. While most dogs appear to have recovered, an unspecified number died… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on September 28, 2007 at 12:38pm — No Comments

Dog Housing Market Report

Check out this dog house! Custom made and fully decked out! details here

Added by Sam Tsang on September 28, 2007 at 12:37pm — No Comments

Herbie's YouTube Guide

Hi, all!

I was a bit of a puppy when I made my instructional video, but corgis and their people still seem to like it!

I have so many more things to say! One of these days my family will have time do more production work (me having no thumbs and all . . . .… Continue

Added by Herbie and Ruby on September 27, 2007 at 11:07am — No Comments

Do you want to be on the show "Dog Whisperer"?


If you live in the Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle, WA area, the Dog Whisperer is looking for new and exciting stories for the series. If you would like to be considered for the show, it require a five to seven minute video for all of their applicants.… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on September 27, 2007 at 9:38am — 1 Comment

The O.C. - Parvo Outbreak Edition (Affected area UPDATE)

I received an email from Kimberly - "Huntington Beach meetup group". There's been an outbreak of Parvo Virus in the O.C. area,

here's the full story from MSNBC


Virginia Beach had a similar incident 2 days ago

Boca Raton… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on September 26, 2007 at 2:41pm — No Comments

Our Corgi Story

When my wife and I got married, we dog sat for a friend of ours, who had a corgi. Having this dog for the weekend changed our lives! As a result we said that at some point in the future we would get a corgi. In 2003 we moved from Maryland to Saint Louis to begin chiropractic school. We found Pet Second Chance via the web and fell in love with this picture of "lady" a corgi who had been left behind by previous owners. We visited, had her over to our house and said, "this is the… Continue

Added by Aaron and Sarah Ernst on September 23, 2007 at 11:28am — 2 Comments Welcome All Corgi Rescue Groups!

Thank you for joining us! Your expertise will help educate our members on responsible corgi ownership! Welcome and we salute your rescuing efforts!

Added by Sam Tsang on September 21, 2007 at 10:26am — 1 Comment

Facebook Loves too!


We are proud to present you the "" Facebook App!

Upload your very own Corgi pics and show the world on your own Facebook page!

Added by Sam Tsang on September 21, 2007 at 7:55am — No Comments

Welcome to

Hi All and welcome to! This site is designed by Corgi owners - for Corgi owners :)

My wife Silvia and I have been Corgi owners since 2002. My Corgis are named Mocha & Vienna, as I'm writing this blog, they're currently in their 2nd week of the heat cycle. We're hoping to have our first litter before Christmas.

So why a corgi social networking site? For me, it's a place to show my love for the breed. I am sure our fellow owners have many stories to share,… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on September 19, 2007 at 9:00am — No Comments

Cori's Gone

I am deeply grieved over the loss of my best friend/teacher Cori Mawashti (lakota for "be good"). After a heroic, 2 year survival with a nasal carcinoma (It should have taken him within 6 months),his body could not fight it any more,even though his spirit was still putting up a battle against the end. Because of this very special boy, I had to learn a new way to train (positive reinforcement) and now teach it to others; how to rehab injured dogs (I now rehab dogs) and work for a holistic Vet,… Continue

Added by Karen Stasky on November 30, 1999 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Just catching up

It has been a long time since I have had a computer working properly enough to really do much on here except check in and see what everyone is doing. Sorry for those of you I used to chat with more, wasn't trying to be rude but haven't had internet service since this summer so have been either bouncing off other peoples wireless (bad I know) or only been able to use my phone which is very limited on what I can do.

Let's see quick update on everyone......

KC is still Queen of the… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on November 30, 1999 at 12:00pm — No Comments

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