Ralphy had his surgery today so that he can never be a daddy!!  :)  No cone....is that normal???  any tips for keeping him away from his private area........so far he has just been sleeping since he got home at 3

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Neither of mine had a cone and neither bothered their stitches. Do watch him like a hawk and if he starts to chew them, get a cone right away. Dogs can rip out stitches but many don't seem bothered by it and ignore it.

Just keep him quiet for the rest of the day. Keep the area dry. Usually with males they can start walking the next day, and can play a little as long as they aren't wrestling and jumping too much. Females require much more restricted activity, but most males seem to sail right through and don't even realize anything happened.
None but one of my altered dogs needed a cone except for one.. As Beth said, if he starts licking get a cone. Hopefully he won't need one.
I used the cone after Enzo's neuter and thought it was great! Not only did it stop him from licking his stitches it also seemed to keep him a much less mobile which I was having trouble with. Before I put the cone on he was running around like nothing happened to him and biting his stitches! AS soon as we strapped it on he was much calmer and relaxed although he definitely did not like it so I would say (like everyone else)use your judgement when he comes home.
each dog is a bit different. Some lick obsessively, some are fine. Franklin didn't really need a cone at all, however I did get one for when I was gone and couldn't watch him. Just takes 1 min to rip out all the stitches and require anesthesia and a repair. Neuters aren't as big of deal as spays, but they do need to be kept quiet for at least 5 or 6 days, most vets say 7-10. Like Jaclyn said, a cone makes them less mobile which will be a good thing once he wakes up tomorrow and feels fine and wants to play. If he even attempts to lick his stitches more than once I'd stick a cone on him for a few days just to take away the urge. You don't need to do anything to the incision, just let it heal on its own and check it several times a day for swelling and inflammation. He'll be back to himself in no time!
Ralphy,,,,,,,,,,,Chepstow and Tenby say you will never miss whatever those things were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poopdeck had a plastic e.collar and he was constantly getting caught on everything!  If he let his head get too close to the ground it would jam into the dirt, my shin bones, doorways, corners; I really felt bad for him (and my shins).  If you do need an e collar, they sell soft ones that I wish I knew about.
When my two females were spayed, neither had a cone nor needed one.  They didn't bother their incisions at all.  But like it's been said, each dog is different.  Good luck!
Potus didn't have a cone, instead we had a spray which we could apply to the area but NOT the wound, which tasted terrible and deterred Po from licking the stitches. It was hard work trying to get a squirmy Corgi to stand still so we could carefully apply the spray but we didn't even need it- he didn't seem that fussed by it. Just watch them like a hawk. Good luck!


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