Hello all,

I've seen some videos of corgis have a great time throwing their toys and playing fetch with themselves. How many of your corgis do this? And how did they learn? I figure, if the dog is busy throwing his toys around then she won't have so much time to destroy them.

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Well I wouldn't count on the not destroying them:( I have some that do this and others that don't, I have never taught them but I would think if you sit at their level and "help" them toss it a bit they might get it? Sorry I can't help!
Sparty tosses toys around and Izzy doesn't. Buffy never did either. I never trained him but he is very heavily invested in play to the point that when he was younger he would drop the ball down the steps over and over so he could fetch it. I think it has more to do with their personalities than in training. Izzy and Buffy never destroyed a toy after the puppy stages passed and Sparty at 13 sees destruction of a new toy as a real mission!
Noodles throws his own toys by spinning around in circles with them and letting them go. He then chases after them and pounces on them. We never taught him to do this. I always figured he learned this if we weren't around to play with him. He also enjoys dropping the balls at the top of the steps (like Bev mentioned above), watching the ball hit every single step (his head bounces as the ball bounces, it is hilarious) and once the ball is at the bottom, he comes flying down the stairs to start the game all over again.
Gryffin, my tan and white, loves to play fetch. We play almost everyday. He'll runs after the ball and when he's coming back I'll get within a few feet and actually throw me the ball back. He's always done it and never really was taught. I'm not sure that's something you can teach them!
I'm not sure how one would go about teaching this, Henry does it but Luke never does. I while ago I tried to get my two interested in kicking around a kid sized basketball since I've seen so many other dogs that seem to love it, but they just don't get it lol.
Lilly just started on her own, she would toss everything in the air, toys, chews, and then chase after them.  Brody has never been much into fetch, he likes to catch the ball and then gives it to Lilly to bring back.  They kind of figured out a tandem fetch.
Only one of my three tosses toys and chews around and plays a pretty obvious game that he's made up all by himself.  The other 2 don't do this and never have although they'll watch the toy tosser at play.  they all are avid ball fetchers, though.  Not sure how one could teach this.
My Cardigan does this when I'm getting ready to prepare the food bowls, both morning and evening.  He throws his Kong around the family room and then in the kitchen at me, it's hilarious!  Sometimes he'll do it if it's past the usual time I feed the dogs, kind of a reminder....

Penny throws her own toys too, but was never taught to do it...just happened one day.  She also plays fetch with herself, which is so fun to watch.  If I ignore her when she brings the ball to me (in the house) she will finally go and sit at the edge of the carpet/linoleum between the kitchen and living room.  She carefully places the ball on the linoleum and then pushes it with her nose... runs to fetch it...brings it back and does it again...I've been trying to get a video but I'm always behind her (in the living room) when it happens.

Bugsy is a toy-tosser. And an ice-cube tosser, chewie tosser, pine cone tosser... The best is when he tosses a well-chewed chewie & it sticks to your (bare) leg. mmmmm... He started tossing stuff almost immediately, so I'm thinking it's "genetic".

His favorite game is tug, however. He will grab his tug ring & approach you with obvious interest! We have to play this every day.

Brody throws his own toys around but he just did it on his own. I'm not sure how you would go about trying to train your dog to. I would try getting you're pups favorite toy and kind of help her throw it and see if she picks up on it. You could also search it on youtube... I'm sure someone out there has a "how to" video on it! They have everything lol.

Lilliput throws her toys, but only the "throwable" toys. And she decides which those are. Right now the best is the hard plastic Jolly Ball. She can play this game for hours. Loudly.

Her other great trick is to throw her tennis ball at a hooman's leg to say "throw this ball for me!" Some folks at the dog park find this so appeallingly adorable that they end up playing with her for ages, giving me a break from this endless game.


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