I am sure there is an existing discussion similar to our problem on this forum, but I am at a loss to find it.


Ollie is 2 1/2 and absolutely spoiled. We have no human children, and he basically rules the roost. We added a 7 week old sable girl to our family on Friday, and Ollie absolutely detests her. If she comes near him, he runs away. He has never shown aggression, on the contrary, he acts like he is afraid of her. We are trying to give him extra love and attention so that he knows we aren't replacing him, but he still manages to run out of the room and hide somewhere. (We say he is being "Emo Puppy") This is VERY unlike him, as he always wants to be where people are. He has never really been good around other dogs, so we thought getting a puppy would socialize him more, but he is just not taking it well. He pouts and mopes around and it is just so sad to watch! What should we do? Everyone keeps telling us that he will come around eventually. I believe that, and I don't expect them to be BEST friends right now, but I would at least like to put a cap on this bratty behavior. Thoughts?



Drew & Shannon

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Let them get used to each other on their terms/time. It could take a few weeks for him to decide the pup is ok. In the mean time keep things for him as regular as possible. I would not "push" the relationship just let it happen naturally, making sure he has his special time alone but some with the pup also. Maybe sit on the floor a few times a day with dog food treats and feed them together but on opposite sides of you. I would try to use positive reinforcement for him being near the pup and try to ignore the bratty behavior as long as he's not being mean. Hope this makes sense! Good luck and congrats!!!!!
he will come around eventually but it will take some time. did u introduce them before u brought the pup into your home? when i fostering and one dog wasnt sure about the other is i would get them out of the house and walk them together. make it positive and happy the whole time. be sure to give Ollie "his" time so he gets plenty of attention if the pup is sleeping, playing by himself, etc.
To be completely honest I'm not sure getting a puppy was the best way to go about socializing him, but as long as he's not being aggressive I would just let them work it out. If he's never been fond of other dogs they may never be the best of friends though, some dogs are bff's and some are more like roommates. I would try to get them out and do some sort of really fun activity together, like a short walk in a fun new place, or playing in a kiddy pool, etc.
I guess I chose my words poorly, we didn't get the puppy JUST to socialize him. We have always wanted another Corgi. (I used the socialization thing as one of the arguments to convince my husband to get her! Hehe!!) We've often thought we should have gotten 2 when we got Ollie. I am glad that everyone seems to think that this will get better with time. I hate to see him sulking in a corner. We are giving him plenty of attention, so I feel like he's being a little melodramatic. I am just letting them deal with each other how they want to. Sometimes he'll sniff her or follow her, but jerk back suddenly if she takes a step towards him. We took him to puppy school when he was really little, so I'm not sure where this aversion to other dogs has come from! I guess he just thinks he's a human...and that could be our fault! Thanks so much for all the info everyone!
I think this idea is great Jane, tonight i took carly and frankie for a walk in a new place, and they had so much  fun running and sniffing new stuff...and the way they stayed together, I  let them off leash and it was awesome!! Although hes been here three months she still has a little mean streak in her once in a while towards him .She is only 1 1/2, hes 6months . (he is very laid back and she is high strung) so the combination can be hard to watch when shes in one of her moods!

We had the same problem. Our 3 year old was really upset. Unfortunately the more you try to make them get along the harder and longer its going to be. Like the others mentioned on their own terms will do it. Max finally came around after 3 weeks. He decided it was his baby. He protects her and plays with her a lot but he will let her know who is boss and when he wants alone time. One day you will look up and they will be playing tug of war together and it will all just fall into place after that. Just keep positive. It will happen.

No one can resist a corgi puppy, not even a corgi! Just give them time, he will come around. Then you will start worrying about they play too rough together. Also, a lot of adult dogs just do not care for puppies, he just dealing with it by running away. Things should be better when the puppy is a little older.
He's not being "bratty".  Let him have his space and make sure the new puppy does not pester him, as puppies do.  You chose to get a puppy, it was not HIS idea.... just act normally with him and he'll soon find out the puppy is interesting stuff!
Don't worry.  They will eventually grow together.  We brought our newest Corgi home two years ago.  Ginger (then 8) ignored Winston for several months.  They get along fine now.
New introductions can take time; in this case perhaps a little longer due to Ollie not being very social as it was.  As I see it, and as others have said, they will have to work this out themselves.   There has been a huge change to Ollie's pack and, as much as anything else, it has simply put his nose out of joint.  It really hasn't been long at all so hang in there.


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