Well, it looks like the aforementioned adoption of the 10 year old corgi, Yoda, is happening :)

I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for adopting a 10 year old...he has never been owned by anyone but this 1 family, and is about to be taken from there to a new home 6 hours away with new parents and a new (energetic) little brother. Will it take him a long time to adjust? Will he be depressed/miss them? I'm expecting a few tiffs to happen between Mason and Yoda because Mason hasn't learned manners yet...he still is an energetic puppy who jumps at all dogs and licks their faces. ;)

Also, Mason was scheduled to be neutered 2 days before we're picking Yoda up, but I may push it back to alleviate stress for Mason as well.

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Thank you SO much for adopting this older fellow.  I wish I could offer advice, I can't.  Yoda is an older wiser fellow, I'm sure he'll teach Mason what manners he may be lacking in appropriate "how to treat a senior" area, though.  Be patient with both of them.  There'll surely be some growls and snaps.  Perhaps keep them separated a bit, let them get the scent of each other first?  Again, no real advice and I imagine there's lots of folks on here who have been in your situation and give you some good advice.


Neutering isn't as invasive as spaying, so honestly, I think Mason will be alright staying on the schedule you've got. 

I'll stick with the neutering :) Now he might actually be here SUNDAY...I'm so nervous!
I would have them meet on neutral ground, perhaps a short distance from your house so they can meet and walk back together. I'd also keep a few baby gates handy to give Yoda some peace and quiet if he wants it.

1. Ask the people to send 2 blankets/tshirts/large rags or towels along with him that they have used with him NOT WASHED. So he can have their scent. I do this with pups and rescues.

2. Get a martingale collar as several people have had a dog spook and never find them again....just be aware it can happen and stop only if you need to but with the martingale he can't get loose.

3.Does he(or is he used to a crate) are they sending his along  if he is? This will provide comfort if he is used to it also.

4.As suggested if you can meet a short distance from your home and walk the 3 together this would be great.

5.Have gates as suggested as you do not want to leave them alone if you are gone and also to geive them breaks so you can give them attention seperate and play with them together. I would not bring out toys till you see how they get along. Feed seperately also.

6. Honestly I have never had a real problem with rescues but this is how I have done it and mine have mainly come from puppy mills.

7.Expect at least 30 days for him to get used to everything but then again he could just adjust very easily. Do keep an eye on them till you know for sure!


Thank you for helping out a senior...I am sure he will do well and love you in no time!

The blanket idea is a great idea...my mom always did that for her dogs when she left them on vacation. I think it helps a lot.

Congrats on adopting an older Corgi, all my rescues have been older Corgi's and I would not have traded any of them for a younger dog. I intoduce the new dogs pretty much the same as Jane does and have also never had any problems with it. Just make sure  Yoda understands you are the leader right from the start and don't feel sorry for him loosing his old home it will just make him try to take over.


I would go ahead with Mason's neutering, as Ellen said it is not invasive and recover very quickly, and hopefully Mason won't be so full of himself when Yoda arrives since he will be recovering from the surgery, and Yoda may be more accepting of Mason if he is not meeting an "intact" male. Just expect a few disagreements between them because Yoda WILL teach Mason how to respect an older dog. Follow Jane's suggestions and you will have a good outcome, he will miss his old family but he will get over it in a short time, and you will have an awesome old man to enjoy!

I lost my Ellie that way so def a martindale collar, we had her out of the car on the street parallel to ours (you could see our house) to introduce to our other dogs and she backed up real quick and got out of her collar never to be seen again. I was devastated.

Definitely have a safe area where the new guy can be away from the puppy.   A ten-year-old may put a pup in his place, but then again he may not.  Sometimes older dogs just stand there and look miserable while pups crawl all over them.  My parents got a puppy when their old lab was around 10 and he let her steal his toys, steal his bed, climb on him etc and would never correct her.  My parents needed to intervene sometimes or the pup would just make the lab miserable, and it did contribute to that pup growing up thinking she was the queen of the castle. 


Treat the new guy like a pup as far as house breaking.  Meet in a neutral spot, walk them together, after a nice long walk THEN let them sniff and greet.  Take them both home, lock up your puppy and take the new guy on a tour of the house.  Let him explore, any signs of leg-lifting give one firm "no" and a gentle but sharp leash-tug.


Depending on how they interacted outside, you might then let them both loose in the house or more likely put the new guy in his safe place and let them get used to the idea of being in the same house without interacting.  A little later you can let them loose together.

For the first month or so I would not leave them loose together when no one is there.


And the new guy should not be left loose unobserved.  Like I said, treat him like a puppy: if you are not right there to watch,  put him in a crate or pen. Take him out ever couple hours.  Let him earn his freedom.  Even perfectly house-trained dogs sometimes get confused in a new house;  some dogs narrowly interpret house-breaking to mean "I must not potty inside the house I was raised in" and will potty inside in new places.  And then the stress of meeting a new family and dog can cause accidents and/or marking.


Err on the side of caution, and let things develop slowly in their own time.  Good luck!

Also along with the martingale collar....leave the leash on in the car....a spooked dog can also jump out and run. You will have the leash to grab before he can get out. My dogs always travel with a leash on in the car just for their safety:)
I say neuter Mason right at the same time! :-) That way he will be sedated on pain meds for Yoda's first few days so  you can safely keep Mason crated or in a small space to heal and Yoda will have time to adjust to his new home. It may also stress Yoda out if he gets used to the smell and behavior of Mason then he is taken to the vet and brought back smelling weird and acting weird. Just remember older dogs can be a bit more "grumpy" with the youngins. Mason will just have to learn to respect Yoda. But young dogs also bring out the puppy in the old guys so they will both benefit a lot I'm sure.
 That is true what Melissa said about older dogs acting younger again. A friend of mine bought one of my Corgi puppies and a month later their 10 year old lab is now acting much younger since he is having so much fun. They also thought the puppy was getting into their socks until one day the hubby came home early and caught the lab in the act of running with a sock in his mouth:)
Here's another vote for a walk together BEFORE greeting and not leaving them alone unsupervised for a few weeks, at least.  That walking together is so important, dont skip it!


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