Have you ever seen a corgi on meth?  We made it through the night, but I have never seen so much poop come from a 23 pound dog.  She is absolutely crazy....very hyper, but not panting as much this morning.  Just hyper.  I'm trying to keep her calm to keep her heart rate at a reasonable level (which it is)...I stayed up with her all night, and am going to try to sleep a little now since the girls are home for Christmas break now, and my husband is home today.  Thank you all for the kind words, Beth's wisdom to keep me calm, and the prayers.  I really appreciate it!  I will update again later...

Well, I guess my family didn't learn anything from the lesson I gave about Teddy.  My brother-in-law sent us a big basket of chocolate for the holidays, and my family left it on the counter.  Sage got a box of Ghirardelli Dark and Raspberry 5.32 oz squares, and either she or Seanna ate all of them; along with a box of Dolcetto Natural wafer rolls 4.4 oz.  I called the Emergency Clinic, and it's too late to give them hydrogen peroxide to make them puke.  They said all they can do is supportive care, but the toxic level for Seanna is 2.5 oz, and I guarantee that as dominant as she is, she probably ate all of it.  They recommend just watching her here, and calling them back if she starts getting hyper, drinking a lot of water, etc.  They said I can bring her out, but I am looking at two-three days for it to clear, and a cost of over $1000.  I just don't get why my family can't listen to what I tell them to do.  I don't know what I will do if something happens to her....

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Thank you Beth...I am so hoping that this will all turn out alright.  She's kind of hyper right now, dilated eyes, panting, and keeps coming up to me like she wants something.  Hopefully this will be as bad as it gets.  I just can't handle losing her right now- it's been a hard year, and things were just starting to go good, so losing her would be unbearable.  Thank you all for your support...I'll keep you updated.

Jennifer sending prayers your way for Seanna, that she will be ok.  You have gotten a lot of good advice here.  Please keep us posted. 

Jennifer, I have had dogs thru out the years eat choc things (not by my choice!) and do just fine.  Corgis are strudy little/big things and I think since 2 of them seemed to share, and it was "mixed choc" not straight fudge, that they may be OK.  Of course I am not a vet, but the stuff mine have eaten over the years...well....choc is the least of my worries!  I had a golden eat 3/4 of a 13x9 pan of fudge and be ok (a bit of the "runs" tho) and lots of dogs, including Corgis, lick the pig drippings from a pig roaster IN GRAVEL and never get sick.  Maybe a bit of a dog, like a fu-fu poodle or shitzu may have trouble, but I believe your corg's will handle it ok...now for your FAMILY...well, they need to be trained!  Keep us posted and sending best of wishes from Katie & Jack!

When my corgi was about 6 months old he went under the x-mas tree and tore open a 2lb. box of See's candy!

I found him in a sea of wrappers and an empty box next to him!

I immediately called the 24 hour emergency vet.

They gave me the option of bringing him in and feeding him peroxide til it came back up.

We sat on the floor with him for about an hour feeding him peroxide til his little tummy made this loud gurgling sound and then the sweetest smell you ever smelled omitted from him!

Needless to say I was beside myself the whole time!

Especially since he was so small!

Keep an eye on your baby and definitely, if you notice anything out of the ordinary do not hesitate to bring him in!

I can totally relate to how you are feeling!

Please keep us updated as to how you all are doing.

To my fellow mycorgi peeps don't forget to check wrapped gifts under the tree!

Sometimes people give candy etc... it is not only chocolate that can be fatal!

OH NO Jennifer. Hope everything turns out ok. Pls keep an eye on her and Dino and myself will keep you in our thoughts.

I see I'm not the only one with a "my dog ate..." story! My husband is a teacher and he got a 2 pound box of GODIVA chocolates as start of the school year "bribe" by one of his new students. It was up high enough, but the cat decided to try "share" the candies with the dogs and knocked the entire box off the desk. At least this is our best guess, since it happened while we were all asleep. We woke up to an empty box and three suspects. We managed to give Sidney and Bruce (the corgi and the corgi mix) hydrogen peroxide, but nothing came up. The lab/dane refused to have anything to do with the peroxide -  and we suspected he was the one who got the chocolates. Go figure. Turns out everyone was ok, but us humans missed out on some mighty fine chocolates.


We're hoping Seanna and Sage also come out of this just fine. PLease keep us posted!

How is she this morning?

We also have had chocolate scares over the years and it turned out OK. Messy but OK. Hopefully you will be as fortunate! The Levy household is hoping for the best for you.

Hope all is well! Keep an eye on her heart rate and respiration. Those are usually your first 2 indicators of a problem with theobromine toxicity, providing the dog is not vomiting. If her heart is really racing, in the 200-250 bpm range, I wouldn't hesitate to take her to the vet. The half-life of theobromine is 17.5 hours, meaning effects can last up to 3 days, but most dogs show toxicity problems within the first 24 hours. Most of the time they only need supportive care and IV fluids for a day, and if there are no symptoms, they are usually sent home for observation. Corgi prayers to you! Let us know how she is.

We're wondering too! Hope your night went ok!

I hope everyone is okay.  I'm so sorry this happened.  I know I'm a little late but I'm keeping you and your two doggies in my thoughts.  Please let us know what happened when you can!


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