I was sitting in the grove enjoying the weather when Bella was a bit aways in tall grass. I finally got up as she wouldn't come when I called her several times. First I thought it was mice and then realized it was baby bunnies...anyone have any ideas if she'll get sick? I will call the vet to see when I should worm her. Wynn managed to get one or 2 when he saw what she had... Oh, Bella!!!!!!!!!
Mine only like worms if they've dried out on the sidewalk. "Worm jerky", if you will.
Lilli's vet suggested that she may be the type of dog who should be dewormed regularly because of her "lifestyle." I guess it's a lifestyle that you other corgis envy :)
"Lifestyles of the Rich and Bunny-Filled"
OMG. I have never heard of a dog eating bunnies. I suppose it makes sense, but I don't know anyone with dogs on large plots of land where bunnies might actually show up. I live in the city so it just kinda surprised me seeing this. lol
We can share ours...how many do you want????
We live in a condo in the suburbs and we had a bunny nest behind our garage. Griffin was totally thrilled and tried to head over there every time we went outside. I didn't let him get close enough to get a taste. My husband got orange cones at WalMart to put around the nest so the mowers wouldn't run over them.
Brodie almost lucked into one this morning on our walk in the yard. It was lying really still and I almost stepped on it before I saw it. Luckily it didn't jump, so he didn't see it. Otherwise I would have been prying it out of his jaws, I'm sure. They are really thick this year, it seems. We can't go outside without rabbits scampering everywhere!
I just wormed ALL my dogs...
Jane, Is it a big deal to Worm them? I just give Ed and Gem their monthly Interceptor pill. When Gem got them we had to have her on a different med daily for 7 days?
I gave them all their heartworm pills today and that has wormer in it...I'm just not sure that with some worms you have to re dose in 21 days but I will give them their heartworm again in a month sooooo hopefully that's ok?????
Tenby thinks Bella is his hero...................he is still trying to catch those #%&* crows in the back yard. Got a feather once, but he keeps trying!
Ahhhhh! Bella, what were you thinking?!
Haven't seen my boys get bunnies yet but they do have fun trying to catch armadillos....and wow, those creatures are really FAST! So far, any chased have outrun team corgi
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