How do you guys do it? Zeke seems to hate it more and more every week .. he screamed and cried and squirmed all through this last session and I didn't clip the quick once. Nothing, not even treats, will distract him once he feels the clipper touching his nails.

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I had to work up to it. Do one toe give lots of praise get a treat and release. I let my pup relax then we did another one. Usually I did one foot a day until we were semi decent at not squirming. I also had to switch to the dremmel because the clippers freaked my corgi out more.

Tucker, who we rescued, hated his nails to be cut.  Took him to the vet, and they even had a hard time.  So, the vet held him, opened the door so he could look out and see what was going on in the back room to distract him, and then the other one cut the nails.  So at home, one holds him, one feeds him treats and one clips!!!  This is the only way it works with Tucker!! 

Thanks Josh, its quite the effort...hehe...Sometimes it seems like more work than it really is, just the thought is exhausting.  It shouldnt be though, he does cooperate now. 

PetSmart! Well worth it to me, and for some reason he doesn't mind when THEY do it!

Pet co for Brody.  We always go on Sunday because there's a guy who works there who is just wonderful with him.  Brody curls his lip, growls and yowls the whole time, then gives the groomer kisses as soon as he's done.... go figure.

I associated the clippers with happy things.  When first introducing, I get the dog tired from play/walking/whatever and then it's time to lay down and get pet with the clippers in sight.  If there's anxiety from just that, then I try to get the dog to think that clippers = relaxation or treats.  Treating for just sniffing the clippers or allowing me to touch them to the dog's fur is good enough for me.  Once that becomes to big deal (may take more than one day), then it's time to get them used to the clippers touching the nail without clipping.  Then one clip and end on a good note (i.e. I don't let the dog just run off in a panic, they have to stay and become relaxed in the presence of the dastardly clippers again). 

Since I started working on it from day 1 with both of my dogs, neither took long to train with the clippers.  One that already dislikes them, however, will take a bit longer.  It's well worth it in the end, though!  I like being able to do it myself.  Plus it's nice to see my two get excited when I get out the clippers.  That means belly rubs and a treat once we're done!  :)

That's how I did it, and Jack is exceptionally bad about having his feet held.

I started by giving him lots of treats after each clip, but he acts like its a game and tries to squirm away. So I've taken to just throwing my leg over him and clipping and praising. Gets the job done and then we play with his favorite toy or I let him chew up a stick (which I don't usually let him do) so he's happy.
For Tobias, we do it after bath time, when he knows he will be getting treats and rewards. One of us holds him wrapped up in a towel (since he's wet from bath time) I like to think it helps with squirming, while the other clips. I usually hold him, so during that time he gets treats, ear scratches and lots of "good boy" over and over again

The day we picked him up the breeder picked him up with one hand, faced him outward and clipped his teeny nails with human clippers and it didnt phase him at all, but my attempts at it were not like hers and since he has never been that comfortable. We've never touched the quick before so I'm unsure as to why he's uncomfortable with it.

Another thing we've done is completely tire him out, I mean to the point where he napped for several hours and did not care if anything was going on around him. I took him to the park and we played for an hour or so then on the way home (5 minute drive) he passed out so I took the opportunity to clip then at home while he was curled up on the couch and he woke up a little but was so tired he just fell back asleep.

We have a 4 month old corgi and we use peanut butter on a spoon while we clip his nails (and anything else we have to do to him that normally a pup wouldn't like)... yall I'm telling you - peanut butter is a miracle worker!! It keeps them distracted because I've had corigs my entire life and if nothing else, they are VERY food-motivated.  When we use the peanut butter, it's like he has no IDEA he's having his nails clipped.  I also use this to trip the hair between his paw pads so he doesn't slip all over our hardwood floors... again, works like a charm!

I sit down with my legs out in front of me and cradle the dog on its back between both of my legs. It works well for Corgis because they have long bodies and no legs, which makes it a bit difficult to maneuver out of your grasp. And, of course, mine just have to get over it. It's gotta happen, and it's for their own good. We get a treat afterwards, and sometimes a walk, so it makes it all okay. When they learn they aren't going to get away with it, then they start behaving. As long as you don't baby them about it, they will learn that they can't act as if life itself is crumbling away. Good luck. :) Corgis are smart ones, and they know when they can pull your leg. 

I am just learning about the "Corgi Yanking Your Chain Play." It is AMAZING how fast they learn. My shy, timid PWC never barked or made a sound until she learned that using VERY loud whimpering, AKA SCREAMING sounds of distress brought instant cuddling and sympathy from me and anyone in the immediate area. Within 24 hours she was screaming anytime she was touched, even ever so gently, to put on her leash, bathe or do anything she didn't feel like doing but she could be picked up by her ears (not literally!) if she was getting what she wanted. Today I tried to leave the house without her and she screamed loudly when I tried to steer her ever so GENTLY back to the house. She shut up immediately when I gently said "NO" and insisted she stay, but I called the vet, and almost called a doggy ambulance the FIRST time she tried this one. According to my neighbor she was fine and SILENT all afternoon until I returned from class when she was more than happy to be picked up and touched anywhere on her previously super-sensitive body. Damn that pup can act! I hope I will know when she REALLY is in distress and not just putting on a ridiculous act!


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