So today Wiley my younger Corgi puppy mill rescue had 9 teeth pulled and a few months ago Teddy my elderly puppy mill rescue had 16 teeth pulled. I am assuming that some of this may be due to the conditions and possible food they ate?  Wynn who is 9 and my own dog has had one pulled. I also figure that some of it could be inherited? Any thoughts?

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ouch :-(

Bummer, Jane! I would think that early nutrition would play as big a part as heredity when it comes to developing good teeth in puppies. I know that Sparty, Buffy and Izzy all had teeth pulled when they were older due to broken teeth from chewing on Nylabones. No more of them at our house but we still have antlers so we will see how that works out.

Thanks Bev! Teddy must be feeling so much better nowadays....he is running around and seems to be happier...I think the teeth were causing him pain but I didn't know it:(

Max just had a molar pulled on Monday.  Had them in 2 weeks ago for their annual check.  Katie stands nice for an dog training but not Max.  She thought she saw a crack but he wouldn't let her check better.  Had to take him Monday to be sedated, it was a crack so out it came.  He gave no indication of having a problem so maybe it wasn't cracked long.  Max is will be 12 in a couple of weeks.  He just went back on a normal diet today, he had enough of the limp green beans compared to his crunchy carrots but he is only getting tiny ones for now.  He is also on antibiotics for a week.

I think maybe the fact that they were puppy mill dogs that they didn't get good nutrition in their early stages nor did their mother while she was carrying them.  Were they breeders at the puppy mill?  If they were I doubt if they ever had their teeth cleaned or proper stuff to chew on to help clean them.

Linda, I think Teddy may have been used as a stud...he has chunks of his ears missing:( Wiley who the vet think was the most abused is a whitey and I believe she was never sold but just lived there among the  dogs in something not tall enough to stand up in as she could barely walk when I got her:( They are both sooooo sweet. So I doubt they ever had any care...they did look like they were at least fed ok...

Common sense would suggest perhaps that not enough calcium for the lactating bitch would cause teeth problems down the road for her pups?

This is about people, not dogs, but I would think it would be the same:

Poor pups!  

Thanks Beth...I'm sure they got very little of what they needed and probably if they did grow up there...they got the minimum of everything!

However, if dogs are like humans, we never produce a lower quality breast milk, only less of it or the calcium will come from mom's teeth / bones.  That's where the old saying about losing a tooth for every baby.  So it would more likely be after the pups were weaned.


Unfortunately with most puppy mill dogs...they may not have the best food, may be overbred and the pups taken away to be weaned much sooner than they should be:( This all in the end will affect the pups health. 

I know from my friend Theresa of National Mill Dog Rescue, that many of the dogs they  get require extensive dental work before being placed.  On the other hand, they seem to do well eating even without the teeth and their general health is greatly enhanced. Wiley and Teddy are lucky to be in your care.

Thanks Anna. Their lives seem so much better now...Teddy is just a probably 11 years he is just running like a pup and even though I didn't realize he was in pain till the last weeks before he had his teeth pulled he must have endured more than I ever knew. Wiley is still recovering but seems better too.

My niece had a Doxie rescue that had fistulas due to poor dental work. After her regular vet did surgery she suggested going to the U of MN because her mouth was in such poor shape. Seems to poor dog had chunks of teeth in her gums and several thousand dollars later the dog is doing well:) Most people including me could not afford this:( The vet that did the initial work is on a list for the poor care that was provided!!!!!!!

Glad to hear they are doing so well.  I can't imagine having that many teeth pulled at once.  Poor sweeties!  Max only had 1 pulled on Monday but he has recovered just fine and is back to eating his normal stuff.  His bill was $520 for the one tooth, a bit more than I had expected but it was a molar that was cracked and she said she had a difficult time getting it out.  He's still on the antibiotics but hasn't needed a pain med since Tuesday.


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