Wynn had bladder stones about a year ago and now they're back. He was to the vet 2 weeks ago and was put on antibiotics since no stones could be seen. Talked with another vet this AM and evidently the Struvite bladder stones need to found using a radiograph and if he does have he will need surgery to get rid of this type of stone. Anyone have experience with these stones? Wynn is 11 but healthy so I will need to have this done unless the vet advises differently after his Tuesday appointment.

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 What about the sonic treatments they use on people? Can this technology be applied to dogs?

Hope this settles out without the need for surgery!!

Thanks Vicky, I have no idea about sonic treatment. This is a small time rural practice with 4 vets. Their main practice is large animal and small animal is 2nd but yet they have great people there.I am looking into a vet where we live right now but will start with visiting her for Sage's shots and see if I like her or not. After 20 years with the same vet...it's hard to change.

Yeah, isn't it! They're just like doctors: if you find one that has common sense, you don't wanna let go.

Maya had bladder stones and was on medication and special prescription Urinary SO blend dog food for a few weeks and when we went back, the stones had dissolved (which was the best case scenario.. If they didn't at least shrink a little in size, surgery was our next step). She's been on the Urinary SO dog food ever since along with cranberry supplements daily and hadn't had any issues since. She also started snuggling more, not being as bratty towards other dogs, didn't mind us handling her as much as she used to (especially in the hind quarters area)... So apparently when you feel better, you're in a better mood. Go figure! ;-) But her stones were visible via xray and then the next xray they were gone. Unsure about other technologies and their affects / reliability. Good luck! Sending shrinking stone thoughts your way!

Wynn had 30 days of the canned to dissolve the stones and then started the dry. What I did not know was that the dry also helps get rid of stones or they don't even start(?). So when I bought the lowest protein food I could for Wynn he still wasn't protected...and that maybe also sent his body into some strange mode and the blood started. 

He also is on the Urinary SO...evidently there's more dogs with this issue!

What type of cranberry supplement do you give Maya?

Good news is... NO MORE BLOOD...he appears back to normal so I cancelled his appointment.

So sorry to hear the stones are back.  I have no experience with bladder stones.  I hope he doesn't need surgery but if he is healthy to start with he should do fine.  I understand about changing vets.  I've been with mine for 36 years and I already hate the thought of having to give him up when we move south.  Same thing with my own doctor.

Hi Linda, If you read my last entry you will see Wynn is much better. I did talk to a coworker who uses a vet nearby and she likes a certain vet so I thought I'd try the cats(poor kitties need shots) 1st and see what I think.

I hate new thing too...like trying to find someone new to cut my hair after 15+ years. Luckily my girlfriend who just moved here and gone to get hers cut and recommended the lady. I also like her!


Jane...so glad he is doing better!  Hope you like the new vet and good for finding a stylist you like.  I've been lucky that I have managed to have found a doctor, hair stylist, dentist and so on over the years that I like and trust.  The thought of finding new ones when we move drives me nuts.  Especially a doctor...I can have mine send copies of everything but I am older now, I was diagnosed as a diabetic 6 months ago and who knows what else will happen.  Turning 66 is damn scary.  Oh geesh, now I also have to add a diabetic specialist to the search list.

My last Corgi, Thumper, who I rescued at age 10, was diagnosed with bladder stones a few months after we got him- i noticed small traces of blood in his urine on the snow.  There are 2 types - one that can be treated with a prescription diet - the other diet first, then if no luck -surgery - (I forget the 2 names - Struvite and another).   The first course of treatment is a strict prescription diet change for either type of stone -from what I understood its a really good way to determine which type of stone(s) your dog has.  

After three months on the diet, the vets wanted to do surgery, but I opted to continue medical treatment because of Thumper's age- just not crazy about surgery on an older dog - especially because even with surgical removal - they come back - the only issue is how quickly - so its pretty good odds your going to need to keep redoing this surgery.    Thumper remained on the special diet for the rest of his life-  and never developed any of the issues they are concerned with -such as urinary blockage etc.

 I was especially glad that we opted for no surgery after nine months -because Thumper started having grand mal seizures and was diagnosed with a brain tumor- so we had a lot bigger problems than bladder stones to deal with.  Argh - it was all tough but he lived three years with no issues from his bladder stones -and almost 2 years with a brain tumor - he walked a mile and a half the day before he died.  You barely knew he was sick until his last few days.   He was such a dignified statesman - and a brave old guy- who was just adorable.   

So sorry about your Corgi Jan.

Wynn is a trooper too. I had an appointment with the vet because he still had bloody urine but I was able to cancel because the bloody urine is not there anymore. he loves his special diet food so that's good.

He was going back for a radiograph to see if he had Struvite stones. They were the ones that would need the surgery. Thank-goodness the blood stopped.

If the stones can't be seen, how do you know they are there? Your second sentence is something that would never have been said in my Lilliput's case. Let me explain.

Lilli had crystals in her urine. Crystals can form stones. I think we diagnosed them from an infection and/or blood in the urine. She was given antibiotics and a prescription diet, supposedly temporarily. It was the ph of the urine that had to maintained to prevent crystal formation, and preventing crystals prevents stones. We also had to trick her into drinking more water.

I HATE the prescription food, but it looked like it could be permanent. My vet and I came up with a healthy diet for her that maintained the proper ph, and checked her urine regularly for ph and crystals. She's been OK for 10 years. 

So what I don't understand about your question is how there are invisible stones, but no crystals or improper ph or over-concentrated urine as symptoms.

And, btw, hello again after all these years :)

Hi Julia, Wynn had a huge stone about a year ago or more and had been on the canned food for 30 days and then after the stones dissolved he went to the SO food. When I ran out of the special dog food I bought Wynn the lowest protein food I could find and in 2 weeks he had bloody urine again. (I had his food ordered but had not gone back to get it...it's a 2 1/2 hour drive)They told me he would have to be on this food for the rest of his life as it breaks up any stones that start to develop.

I am interested about the food you and your vet came up with that Lilli could eat. The ones that were in question were Struvite stones that can't be detected without a radiograph. 

How are you?????


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